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They're way overpaid anyway ....
IMO first infraction ..... See Ya!
I totally agree! I love baseball. I still love to watch a game, yes a whole game. I go to the stadium maybe 6 to 10 times a year. And to top it off, I'm a Detroit Tigers fan!!!
Steroids are ruining the game. There is nothing better than watching a close game where a bunt here, a squeeze play, or a hit and run wins and/or decides the game. Instead, because society is so instant gratification, the homerun is king. And how do you hit more homeruns?? Lords know it's not working on your technique, timing, studying your opponent. That's way too much work. I can just take this pill or shoot this needle into my leg and POOF I'm a stud. Oh and not to mention if I can hit 20 more homeruns than I used to I stand to make a boat load of money.
If it wasn't for the fact (weather major professional sports figures like it or not) that kids look up to these guys. I would say let them take whatever they want and start a new record book. But we don't live in a perfect world and the fact of the matter is kids want to be like their favorite sports star and if "Jimmy" is having trouble making the varsity team why not use steroids to get that edge? Look what it did for Joe superstar. By the time they figure out that they don't have what it takes to make it in the "Bigs" it's too late and the damage is done.
Sorry to rant..bottom line...you get caught using your done and all if any records you have are wiped out.