Modifying a 12 gallon Nanocube DX with chaeto


Active Member
I'm looking to go forward and modify my 12 gallon nanocube dx to add chaeto to one of the back chambers. I'm doing it to reduce algae growth in the tank by reducing the nutrients. I've searched for a thread here that describes how to do so, to no avail.
Here's what I know:
You scrape off the black paint from the back of the tank corresponding to one chamber. You put chaeto in that chamber, and a light to shine on it.
Unfortunately, that's about it.
Here's my questions:
1. Which chamber? My setup right now is: First chamber (inflow), stock sponges, one of which is changed each month. Second chamber, stock carbon on the bottom, changed monthly, baggedLR rubble on top. Third chamber has the stock pump back into the tank, as well as my heater.
2. How do I put the chaeto in? Does it need sand? A Bag?
3. What type of light? An actual manufacturer/part number would be appreciated.
4. Anything else I need to do? Trim the chaeto, I've heard?


Active Member
Ok, I did another set of searches today on this site, and here's what I came up with:
1. I bought a 20W Halogen desk lamp to shine on the back. I forgot to get the timer to control that lamp, so I'll get that next weekend.
2. I think I'm going to move some of my LR to the first chamber, so I end up with the following:
First chamber: LR on top, carbon in middle, sponge on top.
Second chamber: LR on bottom, chaeto on top.
Third chamber: heater and return pump.
My logic is this:
The water is physically filtered by the sponge. It then passes through the carbon, where it has all the heavy metals and such physically removed. Next the LR biologically filters the ammonia and nitrite. Finally it reaches the chaeto, and the nitrate is decreased.


Active Member
Ok, here's what I did:
0. Went out to the big store where the employees where orange smocks and buy a 20 W halogen light from the Lighting section, and a simple electronic timer from the Electrical section.
1. Turned off power to the tank. Removed everything from first 2 chambers from back of tank. That included 3 sponges, 1 bag of carbon, and 1 bag of LR. Pulled my tank out a little to be able to see/access the back.
2. Took the 4 largest pieces of LR out of the bag, and placed them in the 2nd chamber. Put the bag of LR into the first chamber. The carbon went on top of that, and 2 sponges on top of the carbon. The top sponge now isn't fully submerged. I guess that makes it the world's cheapest wet/dry.
3. Using a pencil, marked the back of the tank with the approximate dimensions of the 2nd chamber. Left about 1/4" on either side hangover, to be sure the light wasn't penetrating the first and third chambers.
4. Using the edge of a plastic ruler, slowly peeled away the vinyl/plastic covering the back of the tank. I say slowly because it was slow going. Worked top to bottom as it was easier since the tank was inaccessible from the back.
5. Once the backing was completely removed, plugged the light into the timer, and the timer into my power strip, making sure I had a drip loop in place. I then turned on the light, and placed it behind the tank, and opened the tank to make sure the light was coming through.
6. Next I programmed the timer for 12 hours of light a day. I then repositioned my tank, and watched it to make sure everything I kicked up was getting filtered out. I'm also making sure the light isn't so close that its heating the back of the tank.
7. Either later tonight or tomorrow I'm going to pick up chaeto/caulerpa for the 2nd chamber.
Pics are attached of the end result. If anything has any questions/comments, please send them on. I'm doing this as much for those who will follow me down this road as myself.
