modifying my post


I'm newer here and can't seem to find the modify post button on here as I'd like to change the title of my post rather than making a new one, on FW boards they have it but can't seem to find it here. Any help is appreciated.
sorry if this doesn't belong here, seemed like the best spot


Active Member
Should be an '' edit '' button at the bottom right square of your post....not sure if you can change a Title. It only last for a time too, not sure how long...


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You cannot modify the title unfortunately.. we can't even do that.

I can modify my title fine. Are we talking about different things? May be I have superuser access. Let me see if I can delete someone, just kidding...


Active Member
You can modify the title but it will only show changes when it is open. The changes to the title will NOT show up in the forum page, just when you open that thread. Barry