Mods, Wheres My Thread ?


Active Member
My thread " Xenia in Ft. Lauderdale FS " apears to have been deleated. If I did something against the policies of the site, I did not mean to. I feel I diserve an explination so I'll know why and not do it again.


I had the same thing happen- apparently they no longer allow corals for sale here. Only corals for trade. I e-mailed for an answer but never heard anything so I assumed it must be trade only from now on. I also had xenia for sale and it really is a 50/50 shot for shipping the stuff I had some success and a couple DOA just to let you know, Carrie


Active Member
Carrie, thanks but I had said in my post that I was only going to sell it local cause I know it does not ship well. Your probly right about not alowing selling of anything live for competition resons maybe. I dont know. There is know explination. Although there are other post still open w/ livestock for sell. Maybe its something to do w/ a select few. Without an explination. We can only wonder and guess.