

Active Member
Why are you closuing my threads??? What was wrong with the " took your advise"??? just wondering??? :notsure:


Active Member
Chill out....Apply the advice the forum has given you.
I'm sure the MODS haven't abandoned you permanently, but your threads were going nowhere. You'll have to prove you're a true hobbiest. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish12
Why are you closuing my threads??? What was wrong with the " took your advise"??? just wondering??? :notsure:

cause your annoying and make tons of threads and don't listen to anybody when they reply.



Originally posted by golfish
ok all you guys that have been here for over 2 years...who does lionfish remind you of?

:yes: :yes: :rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
ok all you guys that have been here for over 2 years...who does lionfish remind you of?

He reminded me of that ignorant Mr.Bubbles... :)


Active Member
Him and cartman were a like too with them both not taking our advice and both saying they have 125g.:yes:


Active Member
I have a 125. Ross is helping me out with it. Once it is ful with fish and all that i'll be posting pictures. Trust me we have it all worked out. :happy:


Active Member
BB-BS was smarter. (did I just type that?:eek: )
Mr. Bubbles and the giant sponge.
Oh my god


Umm, did i not say that u need to hold out on the 125. U obviously didnt listen, again, selective hearing.... Yer not ready for a task like a big tank like that, u just arnet, plain and simple. Just wait out on it. Get the 40 going and let yer fish and corals live for a couple of months before u even THINK of the 125. Once uve had success, THEN u should keep going. Ya know, during the revolutionary wars, after we lost a few battles, and won one, we didnt go ahead and settle the west. We had to actually win the WAR.... BUT... be ignorant if u want, im just trying to put it into perspective for ya.


Active Member
Im not keeping the 40, so why spend more money on it??? Im trying to sell the 40 and make more money for the 125. Im going to have about 10 weeks to reasearch while the tank is cycling.It eough time to learn what i alreayd dont know. Ross has been hepling my alot. I learing from him and asking him questions. We have the stocking list too. Im going to post pictures once it is ready and set up. You will think it is cool. Im adding tons of rock and other stuff i cant tell you about.
( ross dont tell them fish or anyting )

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmm...wonder what ever happen to that Mr Bubbles kid. :D
I happen to know he is still here and my personal opinion...has become a credit to the hobby. Gone are the fun and more silly posts. Current input has included beautiful photography and very knowledgeable information. He has turned hmself into a very well respected member well as elsewhere.
Which is the point some of the members here are trying to make...if approached properly anybody can develop a genuine passion for this hobby...and anybody with the desire to research/study...expend the required effort(and expense) can become successful. But it is not for the weak of heart...and it can not be approached in a careless manner...this hobby more so than numerous others requires(demands) patience...research...expense...and then even more patience.
I sort of miss Mr Bubbles...because he was a prime example of what the potential of this hobby can truely be...and what this hobby should not be.:thinking:


Active Member
10 weeks to reasearch all you need to know? I knew I was obsessive about pre-researching large purchaces/big projects, but sometimes a direct comparison is stunning.
My first renisance fair costume $40 materials, 20 or so hours of time, spent 3 months doing prep research.
My first cell phone, $100 purchace, maintenance costs involved, over a year prep research.
My first reef aquarium, I'm two months into my 5 year lead on pre-researching a $1000 purchace, lots of maintance costs and labor. By the time I'm ready to purchace, I'll know what's sound advice, and what's a current fad. I'll know in detail what LFS has what supplies and knowlege. I'll know what species I'm going to keep in the first few years and where I'll be purchacing them from. I'll know what I can get away with building myself and what I'm best off paying experts for.
So far my research has covered live rock suppliers, artificial rock creation mechanisims, pests likely to come with live rock, cycling with live rock, I'm only about half done investigating seawater chemistry, and I'm just starting to delve into lighting (been studying that for the last 5 days.)
You really wouldn't think it of me if you looked at my freshwater tank right now though. I made the mistake of following bad advice about hair algae, compounded by the tank I was moving everything to sprining a leak!