10 weeks to reasearch all you need to know? I knew I was obsessive about pre-researching large purchaces/big projects, but sometimes a direct comparison is stunning.
My first renisance fair costume $40 materials, 20 or so hours of time, spent 3 months doing prep research.
My first cell phone, $100 purchace, maintenance costs involved, over a year prep research.
My first reef aquarium, I'm two months into my 5 year lead on pre-researching a $1000 purchace, lots of maintance costs and labor. By the time I'm ready to purchace, I'll know what's sound advice, and what's a current fad. I'll know in detail what LFS has what supplies and knowlege. I'll know what species I'm going to keep in the first few years and where I'll be purchacing them from. I'll know what I can get away with building myself and what I'm best off paying experts for.
So far my research has covered live rock suppliers, artificial rock creation mechanisims, pests likely to come with live rock, cycling with live rock, I'm only about half done investigating seawater chemistry, and I'm just starting to delve into lighting (been studying that for the last 5 days.)
You really wouldn't think it of me if you looked at my freshwater tank right now though. I made the mistake of following bad advice about hair algae, compounded by the tank I was moving everything to sprining a leak!