I know I have read articles and even seen Sailfin Mollies in full salt as to Ballon Mollies I would suppose they would work also. It is very true that Mollies were used for cycling quite a bit in the early days of the hobby, but I think people wanted more color and they lost favor thru no fault of their own. I also have heard that some salt people keep a pair of Sailfins that reproduce quite well and they give birth to live babies which then become food for the other fish (not a great thought but understandable). I used to have 2 pairs of Sailfins when I did mainly Fresh and they would give me a 100 to 125 babies every 5 weeks like clockwork. I would keep them for a bit feed them heavy then sell them to my lfs and frankly these 2 pairs thru out some great looking babies that my lfs yearned to get and sell.