MonaLisa- Got Fish??


Active Member
HI! Just wondering if you are home yet with your new fish..............................................


Active Member
Hi fishmamma!!
Yep, we got fish here, but just the coral beauty. The six-line hid in a hole in a big piece of live rock and was NOT coming out. It was really kinda comical. The guy at the LFS was going to try to catch him for me yet and give me a call if he gets him...hope so.
I just put the cb in the acclimation bucket, like 5 minutes ago, so now I'm waiting. I did a water change, cleaned my tank and did a test to make sure all was well...all is well, and I'm REALLY excited about my angel!!! Can't wait to see her in the tank. :jumping:
Any new additions to your tank recently? I saw a really nice 29gal tank at the store today, and I thought of you. I really like that size!! is it pretty easy to maintain?
Welp, gonna go and welcome my new addition again. Is it really mean of me to welcome her home with tuna on my breath? :rolleyes:
I'll keep you updated as the evening progresses.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Oh, I almost forgot. I took your advice and got the cb some formula two. I still need to get her some algae sheets and clip. I forgot those things during all the six-line commotion.

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Oh my, that is funny about the 6 line. What a story! Sorry you came home with one short though. I hope your fish like the Formula Two as much as mine do (I have been using a grater to shave off pieces). Share a pictureof your CB if you get a chance.


Active Member
I sure will!!
To be totally honest with you, I'm really kinda relieved that I didn't take home 2 fish today since I was feeling so back and forth about the idea. In another 3 weeks or so, I've got more excitement with a new fish. Don't think I'll do the 6-line though. I just keep thinking if I had to get him out of my tank I would be SOL!!
My LFS had a strawberry basslet there that is absolutely gorgeous!! Any ideas on those? How big do they get, will they work in my tank. OK, here I go again, research, research, research...doncha just LOVE IT????
I'm about 20 minutes away from putting my little beauty in...I'll let you know how it goes.
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
good luck with your beauty, mine didnt make it (gotta quit buying from those big chain stores :( ) everyone else i have is ok though so its all good i guess :cheer:


Active Member
Okay, my beauty is in the tank and seems to be doing fine. I drip acclimated her for a little over 3 hours. She is out and about now after the initial introduction and she's out exploring the rock and seems to be having a great time. I love her already!!!
Bozo and Cookie are very, very curious about's really cute!!
I have a quick question, then I GOTTA go over to look at my tank. Since the clowns are meat eaters (I bought them some brine shrimp treat today) and the angel is an herbivore, do i feed them both at the same time, or should I put one kind of food in first, then the other a little while later. Might be a dumb question, but it's something I thought about.
Thanks a whole lot!!! I'm SO excited!!!

Lisa :happyfish


Yea Lisa!! :jumping: Congrats on the new fish! So sorry about the six line. Maybe you can wait for another one to come in. I just love mine so much. Guess your problem was solved about your one or two fish issue. Nice when those things work out, disapointing, but nice. Look forward to pictures of your new addition. Ant.


Active Member
Congrats on the CB!! I would have bought the whole rock with the 6-line inside. haha. Hope to see the new guy soon.


Active Member
Actually the thought crossed my mind, but that rock was huge!! I might have been able to fit it in somehow, but what about the cycle spike??? MMMMM...No Besides, I wouldn't have had room for it.
Turns out, I don't think I want the 6-line after all that. What if I ever need to get him out?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Lisa, it should be fine to feed the fish at the same time. Mt clowns like the formula two, and angels will eat meaty foods as well though the majority of their diet should be greens. My angel will eat mysis shrimp, and yesterday she was even eating the formula one pellets. I think you can do a basslet in your tank, I actually have been reading into them myslef. I also like the fridmani (sp?) pseudochromis. That type of fish maybe should be added last, I thik they may be peaceful in a community but very territorial. Let me double check my books and get back to you.


Active Member
Yup, basslets and pseudochromis both very territorial. Will not do well with other cave dwelling fish of same or similar species. Prefer live brine shrimp but will learn to readily accept alternative aquarium foods according to my books.


Active Member
Hi fishmamma,
We've been doing a little bit of research, and now we're thinking that our next fish will be a citron clown goby (saw a pic of one, and they're really cute), and further down the line perhaps the strawberry (maybe). Hard to say though cuz I saw a 4 wheel drive at the store the other day, and I thought he was really cool too...decisions, decisions...
By the way, Sister Mary Angelica is doing great and Bozo and Cookie seem to be really fine with her. She sure does add some beautiful color to the tank.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I LOVE those Gobys. I will not be adding one to my tanks since I read they do not fare well in a tank with aggressive eaters, and with my clown, angel, pistol, and cleaner the shy little Goby would get none. I think just with my clown alone the Goby would get none.
Have you read/heard many opinions on the dwarf angels being very territorial? I am second guessing this wrasse I have on hold, knowing it is a major jumper I am wondering if my pygmy angel will drive him right out of the tank. Hmmmm............Lisa or anybody, any thoughts on this??


Active Member
I've heard about angels tending to be territorial...NOW what do I do. That's kinda the reason I wanted to get the 6-line at the same time as my CB. I'm doing some research to see too, what I can add next...hope I find something cool.
Lisa :happyfish