Monday night Zoos


Active Member
I'll add some others, also from New Mexico, but cant battle with Wizardry (NM_Reef).
I have some more, just no pics of em here at work.



Active Member
I wasn't much of a zoo fan, but after seeing this thread I might have to get some more of my own. My zoo colony was actually a hitch-hiker and not much to look at, but ehh it was free!

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by cynelson
why is it that everone elses zoos look so close to the rock. mine all look trunk like? is that right?
Its been my experience that if they extend their stalk it is an indication that they are attempting to et more light....with adaquate light they don't need to extend upwards.
I do have a smallish colony under the center brace and the stalks on those are longer....but there is much less light available there.


do any of you happen to know how to frag zoos for trade. very new at this and have no idea..... also, do you happen to know how quickly they tend to populate by chance? :help:


sorry....another you think 260 w is good for a 55 gallon for these guys, and am I suopposed to keep the blue lights on at night? :help: ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cynelson
do any of you happen to know how to frag zoos for trade. very new at this and have no idea..... also, do you happen to know how quickly they tend to populate by chance? :help:
You can break up the rock, or place smaller rocks around the colony that they can spread onto. How fast they spread would vary depeding on the system and the zoos.
sorry....another you think 260 w is good for a 55 gallon for these guys, and am I suopposed to keep the blue lights on at night?
Yes that's enough lighting. The blue actinics do not stay on all night, only the moonlights (if you have any) would stay on during the night.


Active Member
I tend to dissagree about the zoos reaching out for more light. I have many different types of zoos in my tank and only one type has huge stems/trunks. The rest are of a different variety and stay short close to the rock. The ones that are longer are very big in comparison. They also seem to be the fastest reproducing colony in my tank. I had them near the top of the tank for quite some time and they were getting more than the rest. Could it just be that they are getting more light and growing spreading faster? Just a thought...


Active Member
Here are a few of mine. Notice in the whole tank shot the brown zoos near the top of the tank. They are quite long...
