money in 29g? 40g?

clown jr

hey, i know this is a broad subject but how much roughly do you guys think it costs to set up either a 29 or a 40 to be able to handle soft corals and a light bioload of a few fish... im interested in how much equipment costs and then live rock/sand. a rough estimate is fine, id appreciate it.
we have a 90 and i want a small one for the clowns and anemone and a mini reef of my own so i was wonderin if i could manage it financially. also, any advantages between 29 or 40 other than size? i primarily mean maintenance, is one easier to keep?
thanks!!! :)


Active Member
ive got a 29..the cost of everything if i hadnt got the deals that i did by knowing some friends at fish stores...
stand $150
canopy $100
tank $40
powerhead $40
skimmer $100
live sand $80 (40 lbs)
live rock $175 (40 lbs)
filter $30+
inverts $100+
corals 300+
lights.. $200.00


Active Member
oh, by the way
i really wish i would have goten a 40 gallon instead
if you want a small tank, get one of those 11 gal ones that have PC's already on them. they are cool. little nano reef.


Let's see
29 G tank $54
Heater $15
Skimmer $89
Lights $190 130 W PC
LR $140
LS $70
Filter reused from old aquarium so free
Corals $140 so far
Fish $65
Total $765 This does not include salt and test kits
Pleasure it gives me priceless.


My new 26 bowfront
tank $65
Stand and canopy - probably $100 - I built it
sand = had 3 bags of sd sitting around
lr = $200 for 50 lbs
250w MH light = $154 for setup and $90 for bulb - not needed for your softies
used ecosystem = $110
other odds and ends probably $100

clown jr

do you think i could run a 29 or 40 on the berlin system with lots of live rock lots of circulation and a skimmer, but with no filter ( ie wet/dry, trickle, etc.. ) ??


Active Member
29 gallon tank - 60 bucks
stand - 60 bucks
canopy - 40 bucks
heater - 25 bucks
used bakpak - 70 bucks
250 HQI lighting setup - 350 bucks
used liter meter - 75 bucks or so
100 lbs southdown - 45 bucks
power heads - 60 bucks
LR - 100 bucks
= 925
Now that dosen't count the corals, addtives, food, test kits or the mistakes I have made along the way
If I were to get another smaller tank I would definatly go with a drilled oceanic 58 gallon. Very nice tanks.


Active Member
29g tank
stand-55 iron
live rock- 150 35 lbs
sand-80 55lbs
penguin 330- 22.
powerheads- 30
cpr bak pak 2r- 109.99
pre-skimmer- 19.99
test kits-60
glass top-24
around 900 total so far

clown jr

any thoughts about it being run without a filter?
thanks for all who have responded so far with the money. it sounds like it isnt that bad, this saltwater stuff is expensive!! under 1000 for a 29 isnt too shabby... so thinkin heavy about it.
thanks. :)


Active Member
I run my 29g with no filter - just skimmer. Actually, I removed the skimmer as well a couple of weeks ago...straight Berlin method and everything is doing well. It can be done.
Oh...and I have probably spent about $900 getting my 29g to where it is now.


Active Member
Tank: $40
Stand: $100
Canopy DIY: $30
Skimmer: $110
Refugium: $76
Heater: $15
Powerheads: $75
Naturalwave pump timer: $40
Light for refug.: $30
Lights: $250
Live rock (75 lbs): $375
Sand and live sand: $105
Fish and inverts: $200
Corals: $500
This unfortunately equals $1946.
It is quite a ways along however. I've got a diverse group of inverts and about 23 different corals.