money no problem



If money was no problem, and you had room for a 125 gal, what kind of equipment and lights would you put on the tank. I am going to upgrade and have no idea what exactly to buy.


Active Member
if money was no problem i'd go bigger than 125. if money was no problem i'd basically do plum70rt's 262 gal tank...though not bowfronted...i like right angles for some silly reason.


Active Member
and the calcium reactor and ro/di unit plumbed through the basement directly into the auto topoff...with electroning heating and cooling and ph monitering


I guess I should have been more specific, looking for lighting and filtration help. I live in FL (what is a basement? LOL) The sump/fuge will have to go under the 125. Does anyone have this setup and if so what size sump/fuge will fit under the 125


Active Member
aw shucks, thanks dvskin, and you're a cutie too, darn, too bad you live 800 miles away ;)
lighting: i think the consensus would be metal halides if you can afford it with vho atinics...try to have your total wattage in the >5wpg range and you'll likely be able to keep most anything you want. filtration: a deep sand bed and refugium will go a long way...i personally would try to avoid getting a dependence to bioballs or carbon or something similar as you'll just wind up wanting to ween yourself off them later. for your sump/fuge it really depends on what sort of stand you buy/build. dvskin's comment about a 55 gallon fuge really isn't unreasonable assuming your stand doesn't have walls/supports in a way that makes it impossible. or you can always take the rubbermaid approach... :)
good luck, and don't forget to post pictures for all us small tank folks who like to dream


If $$ wasn't an object for a 125g= 4' or 6'? I would have 250w hqi ballast to run 10k. 2-3 depending on the lenght of the tank. A large sump to house an alga tank underneth with a vho bulb. I still would have a skimmer on line= Bullet3 or euroreef . I would have a cal reactor. An auto top off system of some sort . I would use a cloosed loop with sea swirls or use a Tunze ....forget the name but the electronic controlloer powerhead that pusher 3000g per hour. Now that would be basic if $$ were truly no object we can talk about German lighting which can cost over $1000 easy. But would look completely clean ect.... Sanders self cleaning skimmers ect..


Active Member
IMO you have to first ask yourself what do I want to keep in the tank? then Acrylic or glass, then fuge and or mega fiter, then lights , then cooling and heating issues, water changes?
lots of issues to be thought of before you start,
spending lots of cash is the easy part


True true.. I suggested basic min I would want for any coral/ reef setup. But if I wanted dedicated sps I would opt for 400w radium setup chiller on line. Otherwise everything else would be the same. But $$ is always and object just buy they best you can afford. Theres cheaper ways but ....when $$ is no object why count dollars :)