money plant


Active Member
I was thinking about adding a small amount of halipera? (the money plant) to my display tank. I like the look of it and I've read that it grows very little and isn't usually demolished by fish. Anyone had any experience with it? Any possible problems to doing this? Thanx-


I have had it in my main display now for about 6month and have not had any issues with it at all. I actually like the look of it. The fish do not bother it, and it does not really grow that fast.:D


Here is a picture of it growing around my Goniporia and Feather Duster. I have only had to trim it once in 6 months.



Originally posted by waterfaller1
Are you speaking of halimeda?It takes up alot of calcium.

WOW! :eek: , Thanks waterfaller1 that is good to know.


Active Member
Wow, you guys are fast!:) Thank you waterfaller, I knew halimeda consumes alot of calcium, but unfortunately I had it confused with another plant. I think I need to go find the name of the other plant I was thinking of...thanks.


The only issue that I have found with Halimeda is that my urchin would plow through the stuff like candy.
The urchin had pretty much eaten all my halimeda before I loaned out my urchin to my father in law.
It also doesn't do well with competition from other algaes. My capula (spelling bad, sorry) would start to grow on it, turning the halimeda white over time.
Nice part about Halimeda is I let the "dead" pieces of halimeda stay in the tank, and my hermits break it down back into the DSB.