monitoring alk during hypo


ok i got some christmas money so instead of getting a uv sterilizer i am going to set up a qt tank and hypo all my fish before putting them in i figure its cheaper and ill have somewheres to hospital if i ever need to. just wondering if eels and puffers can be safely hypo. also what has been yall experience with adding buffer to the tanks to keep the alkalinity at the propery level to keep ph from dropping. and is the 1.009 salinity the adjusted amount or the reading because iam going to get a glass hydrometer because i cant rellay afford a refractometer or whatever it is


Staff member
Very glad to hear that you are going to spend your money on a QT!
1.009 is the target for hyposalinity.
Eels and puffers do fine in hypo, but eels do not do well in copper.
Test pH daily as salinity drops, and buffer as needed.