Monitpora capricornis growth


Here are a couple pictures of the growth I have seen in my Montipora capricornis frag. Tell me what you guys think. In my opinion it is growing very well and now that it is establish I can see even more growth every day.
Picuture 1 taken 11/1/02


Staff member
WOW. I too was wanting to get this specimen, perhaps the solid green variety, but this is excellent. Unfortunately, I have VHO's only. However, the sps I have are dong very well under only my fact, they are doing better than my softies!
How did you attach it?


I used superglue gel. A lot of people like to glue one of the side to the piece of rock, but from all the ones I have seen I liked the growth from the ones that were glued flat. As you can see it is growing from all of the sides and the front is starting to kind of "scoop" up. I can't wait for it to grow out more :)


Active Member
I recenlty bought one of these (about 2 weeks ago) and it was brown in the store with white edges where it was grwing and it has turned dark green since it has been in my tank and it is getting greener every day.