Monos In Salt Water!?!?!?!

hawk fish

i have a 135 gallon fresh water fish tank. can i put my monos in my salt water FOLRT??? other websights say that i can...just wanted to make sure
***************** link removed as it advertised competitor (and a really poor quality competitor at that)


Active Member
Yes, monos can be converted to saltwater because they are a brackish fish. You have to do a very long acclimation though. I would set-up a 10 gallon tank and acclimate them to the saltwater salinity over the course of weeks if it were me.


Ive acclimated fresh water guppies, mollies, spotted puffers, monos, scats, etc to full salt water over about a 5-6 hour drip and Ive never had a loss or any sign of extreme distress.


Originally Posted by hawk fish
i did it it has been in for over 3 hrs and looks pretty good
What was the salinity in the FW tank and what is the salinity in the salt tank? If you are going from 1.000 to 1.026 over the course of a few hours the fish is going to go into shock.