Monster Morays!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
These pics are from last night.
My Hawaiian Dragon is full grown, at aprox. 32" and my Whitemouth is still a baby, at aprox. 24" - 30".
On a better note...for those of you that saw my Mexican Dragon thread, before it got locked...
I got in contact with the fish store owner, in FL, today. He's going to order me another Mexican Dragon, next week, and ship it to me.


aw2 your crazy about eels arent you but i do see how you couldnt be eels are awesome


My white mouth looks sexier
He's about a foot long

The offer is still here so if amanda wants to come pick him up send her on over.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
aw2, ive heard jeweled morays be called mexican dragons
is there a difference

I know there's a difference, it's just so hard to prove it.
The common names have been so mixed up, over the years, that you cant search and find the difference. The mouth is different, the head shape is different, the coloration (spots) are somewhat similar and the total length is different. There's no possible way that that they could be the same species. I know that some Morays have slightly coloration patterns (like the Tesselata), but you can easily tell that they're all still Tesselatas.
Some people say that the Mexican is a juvenile Jeweled and the other way around, but I know that's not the case either. I've seen adults, of each species, in fish stores and also in the wild.
To me, there will always be a difference. I always refer to the "Dragon" as the Mexican and the Jeweled as the Jeweled.


Active Member
Syndrome...I am still extremely interested in purchasing your Whitemouth. Things just got mixed up, while I was in FL (read that as I forgot about it).
Give me a week or so, and we'll get things set up. Amanda has said she can meet up with you and then she'll ship it to me.


awesome honey comb eel what other fish is he with :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
I love the Ed
I would of got a tess but ive only got a 90 gallon
and im sure ed dosent want to live in a 90
Ed does live in a 90 gal lol.but not for long this is just his temp home.Eds tank mates are 2 out of 15 damsels and 2 hermit crabs ones a giant and some mexican turbo snails.Ed will never be housed with other fish other than basicly damsels.the previous owner had him in a 65 gal tank then the LFS had him in a 75.he was returned 3 times to lfs so for now the 90 is an upgrade to him his hew tank will be his permanant home we are looking into another large tank posibly another 300.last thing i want to do is keep relocating him as he far as advising others to get a tess I dont recomend this species to anyone unless your willing to drop alot of money down to house just one eel. this eel cannot be housed with others they are a very solitary species even with other eels of like species .if he does happen to grow to full size of 5.9 ft.I rescently wrote to an ichtylagist in south africa to get spacific ID on Ed and other helpful information for his care and needs.I decided to get a true expert oppinion on this guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
if he does happen to grow to full size of 5.9 ft...

You're short, on that adult sized measurement by about 3 - 4 feet.


Active Member
i knew youd chime in on this one andy lol with all the researh i have done and with a specialist in put top size recorded in the wild was 5.10 for this variety of tess.largest in captivity has been 5ft.4in at longest time of 15 yrs in captivity. below is who i contacted
Heemstra, Phillip C.
Institute: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
i knew youd chime in on this one andy lol with all the researh i have done and with a specialist in put top size recorded in the wild was 5.10 for this variety of tess.largest in captivity has been 5ft.4in at longest time of 15 yrs in captivity. below is who i contacted
Heemstra, Phillip C.
Institute: South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity
With this variety? I thought you just said that you were writing to someone, trying to find out the specific species?
It's a Tesselata Moray...there's only one kind of Tesselata...and they'll reach sizes of 8'+.
Yours looks like every other Tesselata that I've ever seen whether it was a 30" juvenile, in a fish store, or some of the 8' - 10' that I've seen in the wild.


Active Member
I already wrote the guy and no there is not one spacific tesselata species they are all catorgorized by one name yes but found all in differnt parts of the world so some markings may be different than others with slight variations from others. and if by chance the experts that do this for a living are incorrect and this eel can reach 8- 10 ft hes gonna have to live until i retire and collect social security.i realy dont see myself keeping this or any fish alive for almost 30 yrs so i dont realy concider this to be an issue


Originally Posted by unleashed
Ed does live in a 90 gal lol.but not for long this is just his temp home.Eds tank mates are 2 out of 15 damsels and 2 hermit crabs ones a giant and some mexican turbo snails.Ed will never be housed with other fish other than basicly damsels.the previous owner had him in a 65 gal tank then the LFS had him in a 75.he was returned 3 times to lfs so for now the 90 is an upgrade to him his hew tank will be his permanant home we are looking into another large tank posibly another 300.last thing i want to do is keep relocating him as he far as advising others to get a tess I dont recomend this species to anyone unless your willing to drop alot of money down to house just one eel. this eel cannot be housed with others they are a very solitary species even with other eels of like species .if he does happen to grow to full size of 5.9 ft.I rescently wrote to an ichtylagist in south africa to get spacific ID on Ed and other helpful information for his care and needs.I decided to get a true expert oppinion on this guy.
Im sorry I didnt mean that as an insult
I know i wont be getting a new tank and a 90 is not a home of a 3-4-5 foot tess.
and besides i wanted to have more than a tess in the 90


Active Member
dont worry i didnt take it as insultive at all.i dont reccomend keeping one in a 90 either. to be honest i dont recomend keeping these eels at sole reason my lfs sold it to me is because he knew i would upgrade him and not try to return him the the lfs.we go through tanks and equipment like crazy those around here always changing.but always manage to keep the live stock .last yr alone we set up a total of 7 new tanks and managed to sell all of them off and set up the 3 set up already this yr. the only tank I have managed to keep origanal was my very first sw tank of 125 gal.but its all good.


Originally Posted by unleashed
dont worry i didnt take it as insultive at all.i dont reccomend keeping one in a 90 either. to be honest i dont recomend keeping these eels at sole reason my lfs sold it to me is because he knew i would upgrade him and not try to return him the the lfs.we go through tanks and equipment like crazy those around here always changing.but always manage to keep the live stock .last yr alone we set up a total of 7 new tanks and managed to sell all of them off and set up the 3 set up already this yr. the only tank I have managed to keep origanal was my very first sw tank of 125 gal.but its all good.

Ouch dosent that hurt the wallet?? :scared:


Active Member
yeh sometimes it does but most of the time its not too lfs normally gives me a good discounts on equipment and supplies.most of the tanks i have purchased have been used but the ones u recently put up the 50 ad the 90 were AW stated i got the 300 from him.the tanks themselves arent the main cost but the equipment can kill your wallet lol.that part gets me all the time