Monster Sebae anemone



How big do these get? I have one in my 30 hex. It was small when I got it about a year ago, now it is the size of a pizza pan. Its mouth is about the size of it when I got it. My little black clown gets lost in it and can't find his way back home. HA HA. Seriously tho, it is just hugh, and I don't want to take the chance of moving it. Because what ever I am doing and what ever is going on in that tank, it LOVES it. But it is seriously getting to big for this tank.


Active Member
time for a upgrade my brother. only ones that i hear of splitting are bubble tips. so bigger tank...then you can GET MORE FISH TOOO


Ummm, I already have a 55 and the 30, I'm just scared to move it. You know don't fix what isn't broken....everyone says they are to hard to keep. I guess that this one and the one I have in the 55 don't know that..but I do think I will be moving my other corals soon, as he keeps pestering them and they don't like it. I have already moved everyone up and out of the way, but he just keeps feeling for them and stinging them.


Active Member
what lighting do you have on the 30, do you keep corals in the 55 if so whatlighting


In the 29 hex with the monster sebae I have 130w PC. No skimmer. There are fox corals, hammer coral, mushrooms, different kinds of polyps. All doing great, growing, splitting....
55g has a sebae, hammers, frogspawns, torch, mushrooms, bubble, cup, polyps, brain, ummmm some others I am sure I am missing. It has PC lighting around 365w I think, I would have to check. I have two lights on it. This tank has a skimmer on it. All are doing great, altough the sebae in this tank is the size of a small salad plate, and I got them just a week apart....