Monster size Pagoda Cup


I was at my LFS shop yesterday and they were cleaning out the corals tanks. They gave me an awsome deal on a monster size Pagoda cup. The coral is the size of a dinner plate. It need a little TLC but I think it will do graet in my tank. The color is awsome as its a gray/purple. There are some spots on the edges that are a little eough but in time I thing they will grow back. When I placed the coral in my tank it opened up so so. Im hoping when I get home from work to see it doing a little better. This could turn out to be a very awsome center piece for my tank. I will post some picture later today. Any tips are always welcomed.


Active Member
i saw one at my LFS that was huge too, but it was like $200. i have one in my tank that is probably a little less than 6" in diameter. id love to see a picture!


New Member
Here is a picture. The Pagoda is a little rough around the edges but I think with a little TLC it will be fine.


WOW thats cool. Can you get a couple more pictures of you pagodas.
Yesterday when I got home and checked in on my tank the monster look alot better. Its starting to open more each day and I have been giving to direct feeding with brime shrimp. Im willing to take it very slow and easy to bring the monster back to greatness. I will keep posting pictures updates from time to time so everyone can see the progress.


Active Member
I've always wanted to have a pagoda, but definitely want the yellow color, which is tough to find.


Its been about a week now and the monster is looking better every day. The spot on the upper left on the pagoda is starting to regain its color and the monster is opening a little more every day. Here is an updated picture. Im still giving the monster a direct feeding of brime shrimp every other day.


I went to see my LFS and took some picture with me of the progress that the monster has made and they were impressed that this pagoda could be this nice.