Montiporas under pc lighting


Can it be done?..I was at lfs today and they had some really good prices on them.. I have a 10 gal tank with about 60w of pc's hung about 5-6" off of water surface.. Any feedback would be very cool...thanks!


Active Member
supposedly montipora capricornis can be, I had one under pc for 9months it never had great color just a dull brown (was a purple monti cap) it did grow for a while then started fading worse so I sent it to some one else, it didnt survive the shipping.


Active Member
I've read of quite of few people keeping them under higher amounts of power compacts but it seems to work best with the orange caps, purples just turn brown. If all 60 watts of your light were 10K I would try but probably not if half is actinics. Although if it's super cheap you could try it really close to the top but expect it to possibly brown out.


Yeah it was an orange cap.....I will prob upgrade to a T-5 retrofit this weekend anyways...he will hold for me.....(was a nice 4" tall piece for $16)


Thanks for the quick replies btw...told him I wanted to wait....(I wanted to ask you guys first....)