moon light question


New Member
i just bought some moon lights and was wondering how long most people run them? do you run them, a couple of hours, all night,or only a couple days a month like the luner cycle? just wanted some input havent decieded what i want to do with them yet. :help:


Active Member
I have a DIY moonlight which stays on 24/7, only because I don't want another timer to deal with. I believe moonlighting is purely cosmetic, the fish couldn't care less. So, you can keep it on however long you like. Don't leave it on 24/7 though, since you have a more expensive moonlight than I do, no reason to give it the extra wear.


Active Member
mine came custom in my canopy....they are on 24/7 and look great...
why would you want to turn them off?


Just set it on a time so that when your regular lights go out...they come on.
Thats what I plan on doing when I get mine in.


Active Member
Mine run 24/7 as I just don't have enough room to plug another timer in. They are a DIY LED setup, so I'm not too concerned about the lifespan of the LEDs. I could easily solder a replacement in if any go out.


Active Member
mine are going on a timer but i don't think that it would hurt anything if you ran them day and night. they last a really long time too.