Moon lighting?


1.What does it do? 2.How often do you turn it on? 3.How much do they cost? 4.Do I really need one?


simulated moon lighting. No, you don't need it. Some corals key off of it for spawning. I have an aquacontroller from neptune, it has a moon cycle built in, calibrated for a 25w bulb. It controlles intensity and on/off times to follow the moon cycle at the lat/longitude I have imput. It would be impracticle to time it out any other way. The controller costs alot and you don't need one.
You can however, add a blue bulb and have it come on before and after your main lights to ease the transition.


Active Member
I like moon lights. I have noticed when I use a red light to view the night live some will react to the light. With moon lights it's like your not even watching them... I got a blue rope lite and ran it around the canopy. Works for me...

richard rendos

Active Member
I have mine connected to an AquaController that actually tries to simulate the phases of the moon and such. It is said to cause corals to spawn sexually. I don't think it is necessary, but it also serves as a night time veiwing light. I used to use a normal incandescent blue party bulb, but recently bought an LED moonlight. Not much different except the LED seems a little brighter than the other.


Active Member

Originally posted by DvSKiN
reef nut, I didnt think of that idea!!! Go check out my thread in the reef forum, labeled "lighting comparison" To see how I set my moonlights up

I seen that post... Very nice.


Active Member
I use it mainly for aesthetics. I have a Moonbeam Light, which is an LED attached to loc-line so it is adjustable. It wasn't one of the cheaper lights out there, but I like it. It shines pretty bright, and if spotlighting something in particular, it shines 6 feet. I angle mine up into the reflectors, so it gives a nice shimmer.
But, no you don't need one. They do look nice though.