moon lights // night time


New Member
do you turn your lights completely off at night? or do you leave on the moon lights.


ive never heard that they need to be off for 1 week a this true? what does turning the moonlights off for a week a month do? i dont think the moon gos away for a week a month in "the real world". i never really paid much attention to the moon that close i guess.


what if you dont have moonlight? it is ok to have you tank lights off at night?
what i do
1pm turn both lights on ( blue and white)
11pm turn white light off and leave blue on
2am turn all lights off
is that ok or do i need moonlighting?


you don't really NEED moonlighting, its mostly to be able to view your tank at night i believe... those blue LED's just don't provide enough light for an benefit to the fish tank.
zdthompson you should also start your lights up with just the blue light on, know what i mean? so basically,
blue light on first (sunrise)
both lights on (day)
blue light on (sunset)
no light (night)
Also you dont need to run your lights for such a long period of time, you may run into algae problems if you do. However, if you haven't already then i guess you're ok. Avg. time to leave lights on (for nano's anyway) i've seen is about 6-8 hrs (total for sunrise, day, sunset)