here is a post I done a couple of weeks ago
I posted last week about new moon lights
just wanted to update about them.
I am so happy that I bought them. I know see my brittle star, coral banded shrimp and my cleaner shrimp at work. My actnics go off and my moon lights are on, within 1/2 hr my cleaner shrimp is out and ready for business. I actually see him cleaning the fish. This is something I thought he did not know how to do!!
The coral banded comes out about 5 min after the moons turn on and the brittle star waits about 1 hr. My naso tang seems to like the moon lights, all the other fish are behind the rocks and he swims fast from one side to the other for around an hr. But the best thing is -- my tank know has three different looks and is lit for 18 hrs a day!!
the colors these lights give are amazing and you can see the reflection of the water suface glisten in the tank!!
My lighting schedule is:
6 a.m to 11 a.m moonbeams
11am to noon blue actinics
noon to 8pm blue actinics and metal hylides
8pm to 9pm blue actinics
9pm to midnight moonbeams
here is the link if you are interested
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>