Moonlights completed!


Here's what i got:
2 leds,
a 6v 300 mA transormer
hot glue
some wood.
two pc boards
Heres what i have now


It looks SO awesome!! I just wish i had a camera that would show it...
Will have to take some real pix, not just my webcam~!


Kablamo can you describe the way you built them and how much $ and time it took you??
I have been wanting to do something like that for a long time now.


it was really easy, it only cost about 15 bucks and about 5 minutes for me, i didn't use solder, i just wound the wires together and used hot glue and mounted it on a peice of wood.
read the link tizzo put on there, its really easy to do!
Update! I realized that the wood started drooping because of the moisture from the tank, so i moved it, My wife moved it back when i was asleep and by the time i woke up, it was touching the water and one of the circuit boards had green powder all over it, This was touching my water!!!!!!
Anyone have any idea what this could be? and if it is detrimental to my water?
any input would be appreciated!


Active Member
Dude< That's copper!! Don't let it touch your tank. The green powder is copper oxide. This can be poisonous to invertebrates. If you have corals you may damage them. Make sure that you don't have any bare wires exposed and that no water can get on them.


Active Member
You should probably consider supporting your board somehow. You could mount it to a metal strip to give it more support or add hangers to it to support the weight better. Or you could just mount a sturdy 2x4 to it and it should be fine.


Active Member
If any of the residue got in the tank, use some carbon on the tank. I have heard it can help remove hard metals..


i got a good hood, finally, and, mounted the moonlights on it, so we are ok i think. Anyone know where to find a good test for copper?