Moorish Idol


I'm not actually thinking about getting one because that is practically animal cruelty because they rarely eat but i was just wondering what they eat, if anyone has ever tried them, how to make them eat it and if they are shy quiet fish and are easily bullied by fish like psuedochromis?


Active Member
This fish is not recommended because of several reasons:
If you have a reef tank, this is not a reef safe fish.
this fish is difficult to feed. It will starve to death very soon. I tryed to keep one of those without any success. Search the web about Moorish Idol and you will find a lot of info. Conclusion is DON'T BUY THIS FISH.

richard rendos

Active Member
In nature I think they are sponge eaters. The Aquarium Shop in Greensboro, NC has one that I know is at least 4 years old. I go in there about once a year and see him every time.