Moorish Idols????


Okay, all they bad comments aside, (I read a lot of threads):
Why would this paticular site keep selling them?
Even with a year or so life span in captivity, is that not what is said about Octopus'?
Knowing all this, you know what you are buying, you know the risk, is it not a risk we all take with many fish (Tangs get sick a lot, lions will eat anything that wil fit in their moth, etc..).
Okay I did have a real question, I read that they tend to be aggresive.
How aggresive? All the time or depends of individual fish personalities?
Have they been known to kill other fish? Even in already established communities?
Thank you, just looking for other opinions.
Does any one have a Moorish Idol currently, ever buy one from this site?


Active Member
it's a profit far as swf.c goes
Purchasing one is a true morality issue to (many) a reefer.if they contain a conscience,
a gorgeous fish will live years in the ocean but will die in your tank...this in no way is making an advancement to the hobby in general. by purchasing these fish you are telling the stores to keep selling them,knowing they are murdering a fish.


Active Member
At least SWF does say that the care level is difficult. People keep collecting them because people keep buying them. Many fish and corals and inverts that dont live in captivity but still get collected because people are ignorant or think they know more than they do ( like I can keep one alive ) or dont care. Many Hardy species are killed too in this hobby for the same reasons. As far as an octopus, they only live a year or two anyways so its not like your killing it unless you do kill it.
As far as an Idol being aggressive, IDK, never heard that about them and dont think they are.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
At least SWF does say that the care level is difficult. People keep collecting them because people keep buying them. Many fish and corals and inverts that dont live in captivity but still get collected because people are ignorant or think they know more than they do ( like I can keep one alive ) or dont care. Many Hardy species are killed too in this hobby for the same reasons. As far as an octopus, they only live a year or two anyways so its not like your killing it unless you do kill it.
As far as an Idol being aggressive, IDK, never heard that about them and dont think they are.
I totally agree. People continue to buy them, so stores continue to bring them in because they know they can profit off of ignorant people. There is one place around me that I really like and always shop at because the fish room manager KNOWS what he is doing. He orders things that are appropriate for keeping in captivity, and always makes sure the customer has the proper tank before buying the fish. You won't see a ribbon eel in his tank, sharks or sting rays (unless requested specifically for very large tanks), goniopora, ribbon eel, moorish idols, clown tang, black tang, impossible butterflies, etc.
I have never heard of a moorish being aggressive either though...


Active Member
Although it's not the exact same, why not try a Heniochus Butterfly? 1 level down in terms of care, I've always had incredible luck with them in my FOWLR tanks, not put I'd put one in my reef, same for the idols


Thank you all, the statement about aggresive behavior came from something I read posted by Ophiura.
That is by biggest concern, if the idol lived for 2 days or 2 years, anyone how had one must enjoy it for as long as it lives.
My concern was the community of fish I have that get along great and seem very happy.
I don't want them to get abused just for my viewing pleasure.
Thank you again for the time you took to respond,
Santos P.


Active Member
sprieto, you last post sounds like you want an Idol because you think its pretty and you dont care if it only lives a little while in your tank. BUT, you are conserned about the other fish you have. I dont understand.
Im sorry if I am wrong about that but thats how it sounds.


Active Member
no it sounds like that to me also.....upsetting... that realization
you know it's true i enjoy looking at my fish tank. but i honestly have never said that looks cool i want that.
the joy in this hobby is being able to set up and internally maintain an external atmosphere for these creatures. I dont know about you but i have a hard time pulling LR out of the tank for fear of killing something. buying something with the realization that i'm supporting its death and many more is to much to fathom i'm sorry you dont have the same feeling towards these creatures.


i too would be interested in the hardiness of a Heniochus Butterfly aka "poor mans moorish idol"
my understanding is these are much more adaptable to being in captivity.


Active Member
The Schooling Heni is a very hardy, peacefull fish and reef safe and you can have more than one in the same tank. Of course needs to be a healthy properly sized ect. tank unless you just dont care and want one anyways.....


Active Member
I like Bannerfish also and was surprised to learn that there are 8 species of Heniochus, the most popular being the Heniochus dipheretes (schooling bannerfish) and the Heniochus acuminatus (Longfin Banner fish AKA Poor mans Moorish Idol) the acuminatus can be destructive in a reef tank but most are hearty fish that do best if kept with peaceful tankmates. They fair much better than the Moorish Idol.