Moray and Snowflake

I currently have a 12" snowflake eel in my 135. I want to add a green moray that is about 10" to the tank. Will the 2 eels be compatible or will the moray pick on the snowflake once he gets bigger? I have plenty of rock and hiding places. The other option I have is to add the snowflake to me 90 gallon reef that is currently fishless (fish are in QT right now) but will be ready for fish in a couple of weeks.
I'm also considering an undulated trigger that is a little bigger than the rest of my fish. Is this a bad move? I know they're rather unpredictable.


Active Member
If you're talking a true green moray then the answer is "no." This fish can easily reach 8' and it get's there in a hurry. Best left in the ocean.
If it's not a true green then check to see what it's diet consists of. If it is a fish eater then I'd say don't mix them. If it's diet consists of inverts (snails, crab, shrimp etc.) then it will be ok.
I have three morays together in a 125. SFE, an unknown (invert eater) moray and a zebra. They get along great.
I doubt it's a true green moray, but it is green. I may give it a try. If it doesn't work I can always take it out. What about the undulated? I'm worried that he may go after the eels. I may have to hold off on that one.


Active Member
A green won't get 8' in your tank. Most will reach 5 to 6 feet. Greens are considered one of the MOST aggressive morays and are known to eat other eels. A snowflake would probably eventually become a meal.
Greens are better in species only tanks.
I would pick another eel to house with your snowflake...something more similar in size and temperment.