Moray on Hunger Strike


New Member
I had nitrite, amonia and phosphate problems these past few weeks. These have been resolved. My snow flake moray has been without eating for 9 days! I've offered squid and shrimp but it hasn't even bothered to smell the meal. What's wrong? What can I do? I feel it's going to die on me.
Thank you.


Active Member
relax, they can go a long time without eating. Try some garlic. He may be stressed out too because of the water parameter problms.

keith mars

I had the same problem with my snow flake, Is your food fresh? My eel would not eat for the longest time. I went outand bought some fresh shrimp at the grocrey store, raw bay scallops, and fresh fish for dinner. HE LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dont worry he should be fine as they can go weeks without food. he is most likely on a hunger strike from the water problems you had and it may take him a while to reajust. i would try some garlic and/or fresh food. this should help. good luck with the sfe


Mine did the same thing, went for over 2 weeks before he would eat food again. Then, after a few days of gorging, he decided he would try to eat my zebra lion. The lion may still be small but he took care of my snow flake.