
I have a friend who is just now starting up a 72g bowfront. He would really like to have an aggressive setup with things like Morays. He doesnt know if his tank is big enough...what type can he have? does he need LR or LS? Any help would be great. Thanks ahead of time.


He could house some of the moray species that stay smaller. I personally would go with a snowflake. Include lots of live rock for the eel to weave through and seal the top off well.
Thanks for the with aggressive tanks you dont use any type sand or corals? Do they need any type special lighting?


no special lights not corals but lots of hiding places for the eel to move in and out of and a good lid to keep them jumping any more questions i am not an expert but have had a snow flake eel for a while and he is doing fine in my tank
Snow Flake Morays are great fish. They swim more then other morays, and are less likely to eat your fish then other morays because there natural diet is crustaceans. Eels actually don't like super intense lighting, and any substrate will be fine.