More Actinic?!

sokal reefin

New Member
I currently have a 29 gal. with a 65watt 10,000k and a 55watt 03 Actinic and the color of the tank is sooo white. Would it be okay to add another 55watt 03 Actinic retro to the tank to balance out the color?


Active Member
The only thing that I have ever heard is that to much actinic can cause some corals to take on some brown coloring.


Active Member
I don'y know. I have always run about 2/3 10k and 1/3 actinic so I have never experienced browning. Just what a LFS told me a couple years back.


Switch your bulbs from front to back and see if you see a diffrence, you know rotate them.

sokal reefin

New Member
Yeah, that's already been done, I have the 03 in the front and the 10k in the back. I'm starting to think about just switching out the 03 bulb for a Hamilton actinic or a CSL actinic.. anyone want to a buy a 55watt hellolight 03 bulb thats been used for less then a month? :D