More Algea than usual


New Member
I have noticed more green algea or growtn on live rock lately. The fish are doing well and so are the inverts. Should I add anything or make more frequent changes. I am changing water on my 55 gallon about 5 gallons per week or so. thanks

sinner's girl

need more info...
what are your levels?
how long are your lights on?
is your tank in direct sunlight?
what type of water are you using? (tap water causes algea)
5gl seems low, but I guess it's 10%, so that should be okay weekly, I would increase if you're nitrates are high or if something is wrong, otherwise, that's fine/


New Member
My level are good, direct sunlight for about an hour, lights on 10 a.m.-9p.m., and filtered water. Thanks

sinner's girl

levels good doesn't tell me anything...
what's filtered water? ro water or tap water?
I wouldn't have any direct sunlight and I would cut back on the amount of time the lights are on, esp if you don't have corals that need the light. We only have lights on when we're home. With my 55gl that would depend on school but never more than say 6 hours or so.
With the fresh water, I just turn the lights on when I'm in the living room, never leave them on when we're not home...
(had a light over heat and burn the carpet...never leaving lights on when we're not home)
1. make sure Nitrates are under 20
2. Decrease the amount of light (algea needs light to grow)
if that doesn't work,
3. increase water change amount.
4. Buy more algea eating inverts (assuming your water is good)
If you're using tap water, even if it's filtered, stop. Start using RO water for top offs and water changes.