More Fish-Only Eye Candy......


Active Member
I am sitting here pretty bored at the moment and thought I would share some Fishy Pics. :) Here is a weekend six-pack (plus a bonus).

Feel free to add a pic of your fishies........:)


Active Member
hehe..........those lookdowns were held in a 500 gallon in one of my client's homes. Very cool fish but, needs soooooo much space.


Active Member
Those fish are from various tanks.
The threadfin lookdowns are the ones in the big tank........they need lots of room to swim.


Member are you taking those picture? through the glass? they seem so clear it's like the camera is actucally in the water.
Can you give me some details on your equiptment and how you take your pics?


Active Member
Hey Joe- I use many different settings when shooting my pics. Most of those shots are with either film or digital cameras that you can change lenses on. I usually use a large f/stop to only get the subject in focus and not the dirt on the glass. ;)


Active Member
Here is one of my favorite fish in my 29 gallon........

And a shot of the whole tank.......long exposure.


Active Member
I took the long exposure with the D100 but, it would have looked much better with film. Film has a much better latitude for exposure than digital cameras.......oh well.


Ryan, just wanted to complement you on your tanks...they look really GREAT!! You pictures are better than ones they publish in reef books! What cameras do you use to photograph your fish (brand, model, etc.?)...I'm looking to buy my mom a nice camera and yours looks like it takes excellent shots! Either E-mail me the info or post it on the board. Very Kool! :D
BTA- If you aren't one already...I'd seriously suggest you become a professional photographer...Awesome Work!!


Active Member
ummm.........thank you. :)
I have shot many cameras but, my cameras of choice right now are my Nikon F100 and D100. Get your mom one of each. ;)


Let me ask ya, how do you keep you LMB fat an happy?
Theres food for him in the tank be he hides in a hole all the time and doesnt come out much.. i just see his head.
He is with a coral beauty which is small an a small wrasse in a 75g
Neither seem agressive
Tell me your opinions