More live sand???


I have about 2 1/2 inches live sand/substrate mix... tank up for 2 months.... will adding more live sand benefit me at all to help keep nitrates low???
Can I just go buy more live sand and toss it in my tank??? I dont want to mess up anything here... all my levels are perfect except for 15-20ppm nitrates.


Active Member
I think you would be better off adding more LR, but you can add more LS without any ill effects. Just pour it right over what you already have. It will make a mess for a couple days but after that it will be fine.


Active Member

Originally posted by 007
I think you would be better off adding more LR, but you can add more LS without any ill effects. Just pour it right over what you already have. It will make a mess for a couple days but after that it will be fine.

I second that. More LR, over the long term, is much more beneficial