more questions.....



As you may remember I started a threat a while ago trying to pict out my stock.
I had been reading about the angels I chose and found that the queen and emperor can be kept in a reef with care... Is this true??? I have mixed thoughts on it. I would love to have a reef but would much rather have the angels if they wont go in a reef.
The reason I don't want to test this is I dont want them eating my coral i have and having that money go down the drain.

what do you think???


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
As you may remember I started a threat a while ago trying to pict out my stock.
I had been reading about the angels I chose and found that the queen and emperor can be kept in a reef with care... Is this true??? I have mixed thoughts on it. I would love to have a reef but would much rather have the angels if they wont go in a reef.
The reason I don't want to test this is I dont want them eating my coral i have and having that money go down the drain.

what do you think???
Regina - i tried this and it worked till my angels got to 5" once this occured they ate over $2000 of my reef. Their favorite was my show size toadstools.
Now they will eat anything that goes in the tank (including anemones).


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Regina - i tried this and it worked till my angels got to 5" once this occured they ate over $2000 of my reef. Their favorite was my show size toadstools.
Now they will eat anything that goes in the tank (including anemones).
i dont think i want to risk it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
i dont think i want to risk it...
Me either. Neither of these angels can really be trusted with corals, especially adults. Most sources describe them as "iffy" in reef tanks, but I've heard a lot of horror stories. They are magnificent fish,but IMO: better suited for a FOWLR tank. BTW, there seem to be a good supply of very nice Emperors, in all sizes, around now.


Active Member
I agree there are a ton of big angels in stock all over the place. I see that has a few.
I am very tempted to buy a few other juvi angels for my 55 and house them for a year or so to watch them change.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I agree there are a ton of big angels in stock all over the place. I see that has a few.
I am very tempted to buy a few other juvi angels for my 55 and house them for a year or so to watch them change.
You're going to get a lot of comment on the idea; but I'll just say, never put more than one juvi angel in the same tank-they usually hate each other. Juvi sizes of large angels can be surprisingly aggressive. The swf.c site warns of this too.