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New Member
ok I now have a 55 gal tank I have some instant ocean I have 2 power heads and I am working on the sand if I can figure out which to get now when it comes to a filter any recommdations I prefer to buy good stuff so I know it will last the only thing that I would like to have in my setup is tropical fish I have seen people on here that have live rock corel and reef is all of that nessacary to just start off with fish I mean can I get the hang of how to run the tank and keep the water in check and later if I deceide to add some live rock or is it somthing that I need to considering doing before I even think about fish also what kinda lighting would you recommend and how about a protein skimmer would I need one of those also thank you all for the help you really know how to help a gal out:)


rez101, whats up? You can definatly start out with just fish. That is how most people get into the hobbie. It takes a lot less time, knowledge and money to have a fish only set up. As far as the equipment goes you need to be carefull. i started out like you (fish only) and cheeped out on a lot of the equipment. I ended loosing a lot of money because as I learned more I wanted to add more stuff witch required better equipment. Please don't do that. For biological filtration i would go with a wet/dry. it is very effective and when you decide to add live rock, corals, inverts ect. you can turn it into a sump. A protien skimmer is very important. you deffinatly want to do a little research on these. I have read some great info on the Aqua C brand skimmer. they have varios models to fit your needs and are very effeciant. Lights are expensive. if your going to have just fish in the beggining, i would just use regular strip lights. When you finaly decide to add LR and Corals there are numerous set ups to choose from depending on the type of reef setup you are looking for.don't spend a lot of money on lights yet, because you will definatly want to change later. good luck


New Member
ok what is a wet dry I am really new to this and this site is the only thing that is really helping me along also is it true that your setup has to run for 1 month before even considering adding fish?
if true is it like fresh water when you can just add a whole lot of fish or do you have to do 1 like every week thanks again


A wet/dry or trickle filter is used to process the water with what they call an aerobic filtration method. This means in the presence of oxygen. The more oxygen it gets the better it functions. Water comes from the main tank and then to the pre filter setup where it will splash onto a piece of filter floss which rests on top of the drip plate, some people use a spraybar, from there it trickles to the filter media of your choice, many uuse bio balls, but you can also use anthing that will hold the benifical bacteria like weed wacker string, plastic golf balls, chopped up PVC pipe, whatever. Then into the sump area where a protien skimmer can also remove the DOC's (dissolved organic matter) from the water. You can do either one in any order, bio media then skimmer, skimmer then to the bio media. Mostly I have seen the bio media first then to a skimmer if you choose. From there in a simple setup it can go to the sump area and to your return pump and back to your main tank.
It is the bio balls or other media that has the bacteria on it that converts the ammonia to nitrItes to NitrAtes in this oxygen rich enviorment.
For cycleing a tank a wet/dry is great. Many say that they don't belong on a reef tank or at least are good for fish only tanks. This all depends on your point of view and what other setup you like, for instance a refugium might mean that you can remove the bio balls or wet/dry all together. especially if it is a 900 gallon fuge :eek:
It can get more indepth than that but thats the general idea.
Hope that helps


Hey Rez. May I suggest a book or two as reference guides. The help here is the best, but I also refer to my books for just about everything as well. Cant have too much info. Do a search on this forum. Many people have made recommendations. good luck.