More RO Questions...SepctraPURE, MAXXIMA...Help!


Staff member
Well, based on BigMac’s advocacy of the SpectraPure RO/DI system, I’ve been checking and have actually been talking to one of their techs. This is really a pricey system! But I did want to check with you all, broomer, BigMac, and anyone who can help me understand this.
Again, generally, this is what I want to do:
Hook up to refrigerator and icemaker
Hook up to also collect water for reef tank.
This is what the tech support told me.
That if the source water has chlorine, chloramine, ammonia that I would need a specific filter for that ---thus the need for an additional DI membrane [meaning 2 DI membranes]. I need to test my source water to see what the readings are.
That icemakers can not be hooked up to DI units as the DI water will “steal” ions from the copper tubing, etc., due to the lack of ions in the DI water, thus corroding the refrigerator lines/equiptment, etc. HUH? LOL
Geez, I was looking at just setting up the SpectraSelect CSP-DI system, which is their next to the top line of systems [and is also the same system that BigMac has!], but the tech guy is suggesting that if I have these other things in the water, ammonia/chloramine, that I would need this extra DI membrane.
The system I want already has the top membranes including:
Sediment Filter [.5 micron]
Carbon Filter
DI Membrane
RO Membrane
Which is exactly the same parts as their top of the line product except the top product has 2 DI membranes.
What do you guys think??? Is all this “stuff” necessary? Yes, I’m sure my source water is the worst in the world. But?? I’m guessing that most people don’t have 2 DI membranes on any of their systems, thus, what do you think of all this??
Anyway, one question for BigMac: Will the TDS meter test for ammonia, chloramine, etc? What exactly does it test for.
Also, the Maxxima is a lot cheaper with a bit of difference in their sediment filter. Is their any real reason not to just get a Maxxima?


Sorry for butting in but here is some info as I understand it, reviewing awi units, di is not taste pleasing although not bad for your health. You can setup any unit to bypass the di so that you only have ro and that is simple to do. THere are dual units which allow you to do just that, it splits the water coming from the ro to go to the di and to a water destination (ie sink faucet or ice maker). I hoipe this sheds some light and look around at the sites that sell the ro/di units and see the dual ones.


Active Member
Beth, I was doing some research on this and went to Kent's website and looked at their ro/di systems. They do a great job of explaining how the whole process works. From what I read you must have have carbon before your ro membrane as the ammonia/chloromine would damage the membrance. You might want to check out their site for some good explanations.
Good Luck!


Staff member
Yeah, I did check out their site, but didn't see that, so I'll go back and take a look.
I'd appreciate any information, so if someone has something to say about this subject, please do.....before I shell out $500!
I guess I just am not seeing why a double DI membrane is going to clear ammonia, etc., and a single one won't. I don't want to be taken for a ride by sales pushes.


One plan, which I used, involves using 2 whole house filters, one high efficiency water filter (sediment mainly) and then a whole house carbon filter (chlorine/chloramine, plus other stuff), then hook up a system off that, therefore pre-filtering before you even get to the system, adds a little life to the units pre-filter (i believe generally carbon pre-filter);
This would allow a fewer stage unit to be used.
This may have been to far off topic, but just an idea. Plus all of your houses water is chlorine and sediment free. I know my sediment filter is yellow atleast by every other week...


I'm thinking you don't need to spend that much, but I am not an expert either. Check this guys site out (his name is Walter):
He also sells on ---- under the name theh20guru
From what I hear, he is a great guy and will answer all of your questions. If you go to his website, the home page has his contact info including email and a phone number. Give him a call and tell him what you have been told so far and what you want to do. Also, if you hit the "Reefkeepers" option at the top of the page, scroll down on the page that loads and hit the "Dual Home/Reef" option. This sounds like the unit you may want to get for what you are wanting to do--cost $189 for 50gpd, $199 for 75gpd. His Typhoon units for reefers are all the same (RO/DI 5 stage 100 gpd) but vary in price becuase each comes with an option or two more than the one before (Prices: $149 - $199). I would still suggest calling and talking to him though before making any purchase just to make sure it will cover your needs. However, max $200 sounds better than the $500 you are thinking of forking out.
Hope that helps,


Staff member
BigM, the Kent and Spectra systems seem very comparable, from what little I can tell [as you know I’m equipment challenged]. The difference is in their sediment filter. Kent is 1 micron, Spectra is .5; thus more sediment filtration with the Spectra [this is why I have been looking more at this system as I know that sediment is a big issue with my water supply].
Yes, the tech support at Spectra told me that you should not run the DI thru the water line of the refrigerator because of the “ion stealing”. He also mentioned that a lot of people don’t drink DI because it supposedly “has no taste” [obviously, DI is pure water and does not have the chemically altered water components that humans are used to drinking. Is this like “junk food” water???] I like DI water, though, at least the water that comes in jugs at the grocery store.
Yes, to a T so that only RO water is going to the refrigerator, and the fully processed water [RO/DI] will be collected separately for tank use.
Thus, in your opinion, the SpectraSelect CSP-DI system should be sufficient without an extra DI membrane?? This is the same system you have isn’t it?
Perhaps I misunderstood what the tech said, but I don’t think so. Which is kinda bothersome, as I kinda feel like women feel when they try to get a tuneup for their car and end up with a $1500 repair bill.
The higher price is related to the refrigerator attachment options, and is not just the RO system.
Buyit, I will check out that site.
Thanks all!
I have heard VERY good things about the "Typhoon Reef Keepers" by airwaterice. That is the systems I plan on buying. All of the cartridges are standard size so you can pick the flow and filtration you want...1 micron, .5 micron, etc. The 75gpd typhoon is the same as the 50gpd, just with different filter carts. (for the Typhoons). Good guy to talk to and ask questions of. He sells the cr@p out of them with 741 positive feedback (640 from unnique users) and NEVER a negative or neutral feedback. That speaks VOLUMES for me !!!


beth check your e mail
also look at ro units ( 4 stage ) there at the site i sent you


Staff member
Thanks all! I appreciate your patience! Looks like I got a bit more research to do.
03, I see you're still out there keeping an eye out ;) Will check out the site you sent me.


New Member
i second the motion for airwaterice as well!!
Oh yeah...the water you buy in grocery stores is usually RO not DI


Staff member
They sell both RO and DI bottled water in the grocery stores where I'm at. Perphas the DI water is a scam? I din't think so, because people with kidney failure tend to buy DI, thus there would really be a problem if the stores were saying the water is DI and it wasn't. It does taste different then the bottled RO.


Staff member
This may be a dumb question, but, what the heck.
Are these membranes interchangable? Like, lets say you buy X RO/DI system, but decide down the line that instead of using membrances from X system, you want to use a replacement membrane or filter from Y system. Can't you just use another manufacture's products, thus you're not really "locked" in to a certain brand based on your initial choice?
Is that so?


New Member
yes i have heard that as well....a lot of people on other boards seem to prefer spectra pure membranes...........have also heard a lot of different brands are made in the same factory anyway, just under a different name.
Dont know if this is true or not though.


I feel sometimes water issues get blown out of proportion. RODI is just that. When something states 99% removal, it is just that 99%. Their are no misleading labels, since membranes have to be certified. Microns matter as do the types of carbon blocks. The end result is still 99%.