More than 1 Anemone? is it okay


New Member
I have a 75 gallon reef tank and want to have more than 1 anemone, or should I say I'd like to have two. is it okay? and if so which type are most likely to co-habitate well together?


If you are running a skimmer then two different species is certainly doable in the same tank of that size. Otherwise constant water changes are a must, as chemical warfare is most likely. However, if you get two of the SAME species, no problems, questions, or warfare. Make sure you have plenty of LR, adn most importantly LIGHT> if it were me, I would get two carpet anemones.


Active Member
There is alot of speculation as to weather or not 2 anenomes of different species will have problems all the time. Some people report issues while others say theres are fine. There is a chance for chemical warfare, and at the very least if they get close they will sting eachother or consume one another. If you choose to try to keep different species in a tank together be prepared to remove one at the first sign of stress.
Sucess in keeping multiple anenomes is incresed by having the same species in the same tank. And keeping the offspring of one that has split is also not considered a problem. BTA's are considered the eaisest of all anenomes to keep, although easy being a relative term, they still need pristine water, good lighting, and medium flow. But they are more tolerable to change than most other anenomes. Good Luck.


Please forgive my ignorance
. I am not familiar with this "chemical warfare". Are you saying that I cannot put a BTA on one end of a 6' tank and a sebae or LTA on the other end for two sets of mated clowns (I want 2 true percs and 2 pink skunks)?


Active Member
No not saying that at all.. there are risks involved and weather or not those will become real for you isnt definite. Best you can hope for is that they dont seek eachother out and exist together looking healthy. Careful monitoring of their position and general health is a must and preparations for removing one is recomended in case the worse should happen. Some people do just fine others report issues. Seeing as though you cannot test for chemicals released by these animals running carbon has shown to be somewhat effective in reducing these pollutants. The only sure way to tell though is to keep a close eye on them and watch for signs of stress or illness.
Im not 100% on this but I believe you may have issues mixing those species of fish too. Skunk Clown fish Amphiprion perideraion, and true percula Amphiprion percula are not the same species they may have issues together. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jeffrey776
I have a 75 gallon reef tank and want to have more than 1 anemone, or should I say I'd like to have two. is it okay? and if so which type are most likely to co-habitate well together?
Check out my two...they get along great


Hi sorry to jump in but have not yet learned how to post threads.I just bought my third one and while acculamting (sp?) This big red and white thing became unattached Do I dare to put it in my tank or just toss it.I have 2 others and they are doing great and growing.The one I just bought is subposed to be a currley que ( sp) The guy was real rough bagging it is this maybe the problem? Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mickela
Hi sorry to jump in but have not yet learned how to post threads.I just bought my third one and while acculamting (sp?) This big red and white thing became unattached Do I dare to put it in my tank or just toss it.I have 2 others and they are doing great and growing.The one I just bought is subposed to be a currley que ( sp) The guy was real rough bagging it is this maybe the problem? Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Explain what a red and white thing was? You bought your third anemone? more details will help.


Hi sorry to bother anybody but when he (or she) go done it ended up being a shrimp body he ate where he came from.Thank god I thought he was done for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Check out my two...they get along great

Looks good how long have they been together?


They have been together for a couple of months everyone seems to of found a spot where they are happy.I am trying to find a place where I can find out which anemones,soft corals,etc. can live peacefully any ideas?I am pretty new at this I've had saltwater before but just fish but that grew old when I seen how nice this other stuff was.Any help would be great our pet shop knows less than I do (very scarrrrrry)


Active Member
Well it all looks good do far although you are not out of the water yet. A couple of months isnt a long time at all and you should still be very watchful. It may never happen but it may also happen at any time.


i have 3 different types of anemones in my 55g. the pinktip florida condi has been in there for about 3 mos, and sits ontop of the highest rock. the other two which are green rock anemone, and my haitian, were purchased at the same time about a month ago. the green rock moved to the back of the rock and the haitian has been fighting witht the condi for his spot. i have moved the haitian several times, but it keeps going back to the condi's spot. while he rock anemone has moved to the front to smush itself between rock and glass. it has bee there for 2 weeks now.
I hate to believe this, but my haitian is losing the battle for the spot. he is being slowly pushed off the rock by the condi. I wonder how much longer this will last before the haitian gives up or gets eaten?


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Looks good how long have they been together?
About 5 months now. Nothing catastrophic yet...