More than one anemone


New Member
I've heard that there are some anemones that shouldn't be in the same tank. I've had a Condy anemone for about a year and I'm thinking of adding a Bubble Tip. Do they get along or should I look for something else. I have 2 clowns, 2 tangs, a coral hog, and a blacktail wrasse. 75 Gal, 100 lbs live rock, 3" live sand base.


You should be fine with these 2. The only anemone I know of that does not like the presence of others is a carpet, but I'm sure there are a few more.


Active Member
Mixing anemones, according to Fenner, is a bad idea. The anemones will eventually sense each other and can launch a chemical attack to try to kill each other.
In there natural environment this is not a huge concern, but in our closed system shed stinging cells and chemicals designed to kill competing corals can be a real concern.
While I've never witnessed this first hand, I'm not about to try it to test the info. :happyfish


Whichever the case, if you end up with 2 different species of anemone, just make sure you have them separated on opposite ends, a protein skimmer, and run carbon every so often, just in case chemicals are released.