more than one angelfish?


New Member
I plan to get a 125 gallon tank but was thinking about the stock list I would want and was just wondering if I could put 2 large angels in there something like a majestic and a lamarck(since they look nothing alike) or if not 2 large angels what about a large and small or 2 small angels maybe like a coral beauty and a flame? just trying to decide on stock early (might go a bit bigger on the tank possibly 150 gallon) what do you guys (and gals) think?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Its always hit or miss regardless of tank size. You can have a 500g tank and they will go at it or ignore each other. Those two are from different family's which helps things out. Get them young. Get them in there with other fish and you should be okay. You will have to get rid of the angels eventually in a 6 foot tank. If You can afford the 150 get the 150.
Id say them two maybe a trigger like a niger triger. Pinktail. Then add a tang like a powder blue or powder brown.


New Member
I was thinking the 2 large angels and a powder brown tang as well as a long nosed hawkfish and if I get the 150 gallon maybe a dot and dash butterfly
is it too much or should I change my fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
You can add a few more smaller fish. I would throw in 2 dwarf angels as well. Dwarfs will be ignored for the most part by the Large angels
Add the tang last.
I would do this
Pair of Clown fish
Long Nose Hawkfish
Flame angel
Maybe a lemonpeel or a BiColor Angel
Then add the Majestic around 3 inches with the Lamarck together.
Then add the powder brown. If all fish are bought around 3 inches or so you will have a nice tank for a few years. Probably for life. The two large angels dont get much bigger than 10 inches and will take years to hit that.
Please make sure you qt all fish


New Member
what about a wrasse? I've always wanted one.
how about a
longnose hawkfish
coral beauty
scotts fairy wrasse
lamarck angel
magestic angel
and a powder brown tang
will that work?