more than one species of clownfish?


Active Member
I just read on another website that you supposedly can have more than one species of clownfish in a tank if they are tank raised. I've always read the opposite, that you should never have more than two in a tank and never more than one species. At least I thought I read that! I'm asking because I have two orange false percs and saw black and white one that I would like too get but I sure am afraid to try it.


you can have more but it all depends on the fish. I have a white strip marron, 2 clarkii's, and a perc in my 110 tank. they have been happy for about 6 months. i just have a few caves for them to call their own. most people recommend against it though. i just got lucky with them IMO


Active Member
I have lots of caves and hiding places but I've had my clowns for about two months and they never leave the top of the tank, and I don't want to build my rockpile up that high. They seem happy, they just never seem to want to hide. At night they just sleep in the corner.


my perc doesn't like to hide either he just plays in the current with my blue tang. and at night he finds a corner of the tank and goes to sleep. the only on that does like to hide is the maroon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sacfishguy
you can have more but it all depends on the fish. I have a white strip marron, 2 clarkii's, and a perc in my 110 tank. they have been happy for about 6 months. i just have a few caves for them to call their own. most people recommend against it though. i just got lucky with them IMO
Give it time. When they mature--especially the maroon--there will be some fighting. AS juveniles, there is not nearly as much territorial disputes. I expect with the clarkii's being a pair, they will be the first to mature up and bully the others.
Then again, you might stay lucky. But luck runs out eventually.


TheGrog- the maroon is about 3 years old, the two clrakiis and the perc are 1 1/2 years old. i'm just curious when they are considered mature. :notsure:
Sorry corally not trying to highjack your thread


New Member
You can keep more than two of the same species as long as they are inmature as one will be the boss and turn in a female and the next most domainate will change into a male and the rest will remain sexless neither male nor female. But I wouldn't advise putting the black in with the two others unless they are very small and all the same species.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sacfishguy
TheGrog- the maroon is about 3 years old, the two clrakiis and the perc are 1 1/2 years old. i'm just curious when they are considered mature. :notsure:
Sorry corally not trying to highjack your thread
The maroon is most likely mature by now. The Clarkiis and perc should be about there. If one of your clarkiis is significantly larger than the other, then they have matured and differentiated into male/female.
Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones. Keep your fingers crossed that things stay nice and peaceful!


Active Member
if you want more then 2 clowns then i would just say to get more of one species and they should not be aggressive toward each other. if you get true percs somtimes they will have different amounts of black and may look like a different clown. but thats what i would do to be on the safe side.