More Wackos To Come

I know its not McCain's fault.
A McCain spokesperson was first to report the Ashley Todd story about the false attack. Foxnews was happy to elaborate on it. If this was not so racially charged then it would not be so serious to me. I think McCain should apologize.
Now there's the case about the two white supremists, Neo-Nazis . I'm not shocked about this at all but its just makes me sick . I think they should get life without parole.
Its even more sad when I see these people confessing to reporters that they can't get over the fact that Obama is black. I have to admit I give them points for being honest. It just lets us know America is still somewhat divided.

darthtang aw

Active Member
2 questions.
1. What are you talking about?
2. If you know it is not McCain's fault, why should he apologize? Do you normally apologize for something not your fault?


Active Member
at least she didn't plant bombs and declare war on america at least mccain didn't launch his senate campaign from the ladies living room, chair a board where she donated millions to indoctrinate little kids...
What was I thinking? I forgot where I posted this. Of course you guys would'nt see the seriousness behind that. Obama campaign sent out best wishes to this woman because they felt bad that it had something to do with his campaign, McCain campaign called this woman because they felt someone who was helping them got hurt.
You know what foxnews wrote? If the story was true about a blackman attacking her then people would reconsider how they feel about OBAMA.
Originally Posted by stdreb27
at least she didn't plant bombs and declare war on america at least mccain didn't launch his senate campaign from the ladies living room, chair a board where she donated millions to indoctrinate little kids...
Sure, connect something somebody did when Obama was 7 years old and something that could have easily set off a string of attacks because of what somebody did last week, who was doing it to help your campaign.


Active Member

Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Sure, connect something somebody did when Obama was 7 years old and something that could have easily set off a string of attacks because of what somebody did last week, who was doing it to help your campaign.
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully
," the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully
," the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists
Did you actually read this, or did you just find a "quote" somewhere??


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Sure, connect something somebody did when Obama was 7 years old and something that could have easily set off a string of attacks because of what somebody did last week, who was doing it to help your campaign.
Wait, I thought he was 8 years old... man that guy keeps getting younger and younger in this story... next thing we know he'll be conducting terrorist movements from the womb.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Sure, connect something somebody did when Obama was 7 years old and something that could have easily set off a string of attacks because of what somebody did last week, who was doing it to help your campaign.
This has got to be the stupidest rebuttal in this campaign.Yes Obama was 7 years old when Ayeres bombed the Capital Building,and the Pentagon and a NYC Police Station.But whats his excuse for being friends with a Terrorist when he was in his 30s and 40's knowing that he was a unrepentant terrorist and a self proclaimed Marxist and Socialist? Or his relationship with Rev. Write who hates America or Tony Rezco a convicted Felon who bought and sold politicians ? What was his relationship with Communist Frank Marshall Davis that he claims as a mentor?On and on and on......
Helloooo McFlyyyyy,Wake up man ,dont be so blinded by this claim of "Change".You need to ask yourself what kind of change Obama has in mind for us.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Did you actually read this, or did you just find a "quote" somewhere??

I you read the whole post you will see it's taken from Obama's own book. But I guess he was lying when he said he hung with the Marxist professors


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
at least she didn't plant bombs and declare war on america at least mccain didn't launch his senate campaign from the ladies living room, chair a board where she donated millions to indoctrinate little kids...
Man, you McCain lovers are some real sick individuals. You want to still bring out the ridiculous and useless Ayers thing, and compare it to a couple of SkinHeads that openly admitted they would kill blacks, including Obama to justify their cause? Sounds to me like you condone it. Where in Houston do you want me to bring the cross so you can burn it over in the Fifth Ward?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Where in Houston do you want me to bring the cross so you can burn it over in the Fifth Ward?
Great calling a minority a racist.

Just goes to show that the only arguments you have are ohh you're a racist because you don't like the socialist black guy.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Who'd be surprised that the fringe would support McCain, the likes of the KKK, white supremacists and people who'd bomb abortion clinics?
Ah, it looks as if Al Qaeda also supports McCain. Why wouldn't they, four more years of Bush policies would fit their agenda and weaken the US.
Jmick you my friend are totally full of crap.That's stretching it a bit don't you think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Great calling a minority a racist.

Just goes to show that the only arguments you have are ohh you're a racist because you don't like the socialist black guy.
You are not a racist, you hate the poor, regardless of their color

I am kidding. We need to lighten the mood a little.