Morish Idol


New Member
Picture for Milkman... If your wondering why my finger is in the picture, Milkman wanted proof that the idol is still alive.


New Member
thanks, had him for about 9 months now. the tank is a 125, in process of upgrading to a 260 custom.


hey sweet tank love the idol, but im actually more interested in the fish behind him lol, is that a clown tang? and if so how hard has it been to keep him/aggresion? sorry for all the questions im planing on upgrading soon and he was on my fantasy list :D


:cheer: :jumping: :happy:
wow....a sohal...may favorite fish on like the dang planet
all i have to say is.your fish look great , happy and heathy. and i wish you continued success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was going to put an Idol into my 125 but was worried he would eat my zoos and pick on my brains and clams. How reef safe has he been?? I got rid of my Sohal, they get too big for a 125, is your clown tang going to the new tank? They get huge.
Nice tank also

salty chee

HOW DO YOU FEED IT! a morish that i bought a couple of years ago to create the "finding nemo tank" died when i was driving home. It awas depressing.


New Member
salty chee, moorish idols are in my opinion, one of the most difficult to keep fish. I wouln't keep one in anything less than a 180 gallon.


Success with that fish past a year is minimal. The few that I have heard that lived beyond that, died within the second year.
Such a shame because it is truely a beautiful fish.
Glad to see that yours is doing fine, but I wouldn't recommend the purchase of these to others based on their history in the hobby unless there was some documented break through with successfully keeping them.



Originally posted by JacknJill
awesome! do you have any other pics of the idol? love to see a money shot of your tank :yes:


New Member

Originally posted by salty chee
HOW DO YOU FEED IT! a morish that i bought a couple of years ago to create the "finding nemo tank" died when i was driving home. It awas depressing.

he basically eats anything that goes into the tank. dried seaweed, whole shrimp, brine shrimp, pellets, lettuce etc..


New Member

Originally posted by startRfish love to see a money shot of your tank :yes:

I'll post some more photos tonight.


Here is a one from my lfs, they have had him for many years, they wont even sell him because they are so attached. I wish I could have him, though I would be heart broken if he died... :nope: