Morish Idol


New Member
I have a 125 G marine tank, with :
1 large yellow zabrazuma
1 large bi-color angel
2 medium/large percula
2 medium cardinal
I'd like to try to add a couple of morish idol's.
I now that those are difficult fish to keep and feed.
I'd like to know from any one who hed success with this fish , some tips , preferred food etc.


Active Member
Also please do a search using the search button above as there have been NUMEROUS threads on this. The one below is an exception (eg the moorish idol is still alive) but worth reading as well.
This fish, IMO, should be banned from this hobby. Unless you are planning a reef tank with loads of LR, I don't think you should try any. If they have any chance at all, they need huge tanks with lots of room to graze - and this is coming from someone who worked with a moorish idol that ate EVERYTHING it was given, and died just like most of the rest a YEAR later.


Active Member
It has been estimated that Moorish Idols have over a 90% death rate in the home aquarium. SHould you decide to buy have less than a 1 and 10 chance that the fish will die in a short period of time.
THere is another thread regarding one being alive for close to a is on borrowed time unless it is the less than 1 in 10. These fish are definitely best left in the ocean...along with Regal Angels and others .
When the Idol is caught and removed from the ocean the collector MUST get the fish eating within the first few hours. When you get the fish you must do the same. Water quality must remain constant with very little if any fluctuation in parameters. The fact that they have a narrow body means they cannot survive long wihtout eating. They are easily sppoked and will simply stop eating once this happens. Juveniles have a better chance surviving then adults.
Please remember there is no way to verify stories posted here so do your research.
They are not impossible to keep but you will have to buy many before you might get lucky.
Remember success is measured in years. JMO