Morning the Loss of Fu Manchu Lionfish


Good Morning every one
Twe weeks agao I ourchased a fish at the Something Fishy in Northampton, Pa. The fish became very sick died. What ever the fish had also killed my long time pal Mr. Fu Manchu. If any one is to buy fish at Something Fishy I would be very very careful. So iM a little on the down side today. Fu Manchu will be missed. By far this was my prize fish in my tank.


Yeah, for some reasons I think lions really grow on you. My fave fish is my Antenneta and I liked him so much I went out and purchased a fuzzy dwarf. Great fish, sorry to hear about your loss.


i was thinking about getting a fu manchu when i get my volitan too cause theyre like asain and cool


What happened was I bought an angle at a place called Something Fishy here in the lehigh valley. The angle looked awsome so stupid me i put the fish in my tank. Fu Manchu has been in the tank for about 7 months. I am partley to blame. I will never never never put a fish in a tank again until they go through 30 days in a QT tank.


Active Member
woah!! i didnt know what a fu manchu looked like so i serched it and they are freakin awsome! Are they expensive or hard to care for? Sorry about your loss man