most aggressive trigger


I had a undulated and I saw him kill my huma huma by biting his eye out and he also kill my lion fish when he tore into his stomach and pull it out. :( To me the undulated is the top dogg (trigger fish)
I say queens are, I seen a big queen convert LR to gravel and the thing killed an undulated and picasso. They are plain MEAN !!
HairTrigger ,I am curious. what happen with the power head ? how bad did it tear it up ? I have a picasso that is starting to nip my out take on my fluval 4 .


Active Member
Snakes.... I have had all kinds of triggers chew on my live rock. But, the undulated I have seen do some plain crazy things. As far as the powerhead.... there were a couple of incidents. The first undulated chewed all the power cords on the power heads, heaters, and everything else. He also would pull on the tank's seals. So he left.
The second one used to take the strainer off my powerhead and swim around the tank with it. Then he chewed it up so I took it out. After that, he chewed up the fan to aim the water flow. Then he started working on the acutal powerhead. There were big gashes in it, and cuts, and it was just bad. Still worked, but would shake and make noise. So I got rid of it, and the undulated.
These were large undulateds though, about 6-7 inches. I kept my aggressives in a 200 gallon tank. I almost got an undulated that was about 16 inches. He was amazing. But, I decided against it. I was going to have him, my extra large clown trigger, and another large trigger. BUt, instead, went to smaller ones. Craziness. :D :D


Once upon a time I had a 4" undulated trigger, but it trashed my tank, killed my 8" grouper, almost killed my 8" lionfish, stole food and harrassed my eel, then one day he attacked my hand! Now that nasty trigger is gone.
p.s. I didn't kill it but gave it away.


Active Member
It says I can't vote, but my vote is for Undulated. According to everything I've ever read, been told, or expereinced, they have the fury of H*LL in them.


Active Member
I almost got an undulated that was about 16 inches.
I find that very hard to believe. Undulates rarely, and I mean rarely reach 8". It is extremely rare to even hear of a clown, blueline, or queen that big in captivity.
My undulate is a perfect citizen, of course, he is in a tank of his own ;) .
i saw about a 7 inch undulated take out a 14 inch leopard shark about two days ago. that thing is really mean but i have to say queens are the meanest. i had one take a gash out of my hand a while ago and he was about 3 inches


Active Member
i saw about a 7 inch undulated take out a 14 inch leopard shark about two days ago.
Just about any trigger would do that to a shark.....


Active Member
Triggers are known to pester sharks and are the worst tankmates for them. They pick at the gills of the shark, and are a real problem.


New Member
I have an 8" clown trigger and he can be pretty mean sometimes and then he can also be pretty calm sometimes to. I guess he just like a


sounds like picasso huma huma triggers are not that or as agressive.. I say because I am setting up a 55 g agressive tank... Would like a snowflake and maby a picasso... I know, I know too big is the first response