most colorful blenny or goby

brian mcpherson

New Member
I was wondering if theres a blennies or gobies that is small and colorful besides the mandarin gody?
If any body can help me find some I would be greatful.
thank you

mr . salty

Active Member
Although they can sometimes be hard to keep,the Catalina gobie is by far the most colorfull. They are an electric blue with neon red markings.They only get an inch or two big.I have seen many people have luck with these little jewels......


Active Member
A mandarin is NOT a goby or a blennie it is a dragonet which is a completely different species that require different care and feeding. Now as far as a blenny goes the midas and mimic blennies are pretty nice or a goby the purple firefish.


i agree with mr. salty...catalinas are awesome and i cant wait until my lfs gets some in...and purple firefish are great too, they just seem a little risky at 30 bucks a pop