Most entertaining fish suggestions?


Hi All - getting ready to stock a 55 gal long FOWLR peaceful tank, over time, of course... I am looking for your most interesting & entertaining fish, I really don't care about color etc., although I do like bright colors. I'm trying not to get fish that are hiders. Would like some that are out & about.. It's hard to really get to know a fish at the LFS! So far from what I've read these are cool fishes:
algae blenny
yellow watchman goby
**anybody have any others that have a great personality? Thanks!! :happyfish


If you want entertainment then you need a clarkii clown and an anenome(if you have the lights)----hilarious to watch the clown guard that anenome


Originally Posted by kadella
Hi All - getting ready to stock a 55 gal long FOWLR peaceful tank, over time, of course... I am looking for your most interesting & entertaining fish, I really don't care about color etc., although I do like bright colors. I'm trying not to get fish that are hiders. Would like some that are out & about.. It's hard to really get to know a fish at the LFS! So far from what I've read these are cool fishes:
algae blenny
yellow watchman goby
**anybody have any others that have a great personality? Thanks!! :happyfish

Hard to beat a large Humu Trigger. He's all over the place, dong funky things like moving rock and spitting sand. For pure entertainment, nothing comes close. Unfortuntately, part of his entertainment portfolio might include an entertaining shredding or gulping of smaller fish. But, that's not exactly peacefu.
Sandsifter gobie. Work their little butts off all day long rearranging your entire equarium floor. Mess it up and let him start all over.


Active Member
I like my scooter dragonette. Not the prettiest fish but I have him so used to my hand being in the tank that I can actually touch him. You'll need alot of rock and about 10 months or more up time to be successful with one though.


Thanks for the ideas guys, those sound quite interesting, anymore? I'm mainly looking to go non-agressive & newbie-type fish. Love that mandarin!


My lawnmower blenny is by far my most entertainig fish. I would suggest one of those. I like the scooter as well.


New Member
my gold stripe maroon is my favorite personality. He is very active, he doesn't hide. He likes to pose for pictures and he is constantly shaking his butt in the sand. He makes holes in the sand all the way to the bottom of the tank and then I fill them in and he spends a few days trying to get them back again. He is cute!! :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg

Is that a trumpet coral he's perching on. My LFS has a branch that looks like that and I was considering getting it. They don't look as open as the one in your pic and I was wondering if they should.


Active Member
I have these fish, or had, and are HILARIOUS :hilarious . My blenny was funny...then he died...My bluespot jawfish and 2 tankraised percula clowns are hilarious. It's interesting to watch the jawfish build his burrow and he remodels it and spits shells and sand around til it's all perfect. Then the clownfish chase their tales (Accidentaly spit milk into tank when I first saw it..made calcium go up lol). They play around in the current to shoot their selves around the tank. The best of all is they see who can get closer to the jawfish burrow. The clowns went into the burrow without the jawfish knowing and popped out which made him jump out of the tank but he bounced off the lights, these are very comical fish and I would definately check it out


Hummu or Clown trigger IMO My Hummu swims upside down for a short burst, corkscrews, begs, beat down any tank hardware, lays on his side to get a good look in shells for goodies, attacks my LR all day, blows substrate, gargles substrate, moves shells/ rubble, and decorates his lair with whatever he pleases.


Most people would disagree with me but I think the yellow tang would have to be in the top three for entertainment purposes. My yellow tang never hides and is always going into caves and in crevices looking for algae. Its also so funny to watch their eyes. Always looking for something to eat on the liverock.
My niger trigger is also pretty funny. When he gets bored, he will find a hermit crab walking, pick it up, swim to the top of the tank drop it and soon as the half-scared to death crab comes back out and starts to crab walk again, my Niger goes and does it again. Pretty funny.


I saw a Green Bird Wrasse, he swam up and down the front of the tank, back and forth. Through the rocks, and all! He was sooo cool to watch. I am definatly getting one for my 240.


Kind of like a Lunar Wrasse. I don't think non-stop swimming is entertainment, its more of a show. When we say entertaining fish, we mean a fish that does comical stuff that can keep your eyes glued to the tank.