Most Hardy Angelfish



Hey guys looking to add an angelfish. Does anyone know of a bulletproof species.

crypt keeper

Active Member
3 things angels need. Pristine water. Pristine water and oh yeah pristine water. Other than that mix up their diet depending on the angel you buy and you will be good to go. I dont think there isnt a "bulletprrof" angel out there. Now that being said some people say they are hard to acclimate. This IMO is due to buying them either really small or too big.
Get one in the 3 to 4 inch range. Juvi colors if possible. They are fun to watch change anyway.


Active Member
are you looking for a dwarf angel or a larger species? As far as dwarf angels go, I have had an eibli (2+ years...lost due to heater malfunction), coral beauty (2+ years...lost due to swim bloat...I think), and we now have a half black in each of our tanks (1 1/2 years or so each). I was considering getting a larger angel, but have decided against it at this time...want a rather peaceful tank.


Before I had to sell my last tank I had a flame angel for 3 years, a bicolor for 3 years and a lenonpeel for about 2.5 years. Also, I had a majestic angel for 4.5 years, a Regal for 3 (died because of a power failure)
I also had a flagfin angel for 4 years...
Keep the nitrates low, feed them a varied diet of frozen stuff that includes sponge, lots of live rock and give them seaweed sheets of different colors/kinds too. I also feed a high quality mysid shrimp too.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by browniebuck
are you looking for a dwarf angel or a larger species? As far as dwarf angels go, I have had an eibli (2+ years...lost due to heater malfunction), coral beauty (2+ years...lost due to swim bloat...I think), and we now have a half black in each of our tanks (1 1/2 years or so each). I was considering getting a larger angel, but have decided against it at this time...want a rather peaceful tank.
angels are peaceful. they hate each other. add a juvi and he will grow with tankmates

black cobra

Some Angels diet consists of sponges so keep that in mind. I had a Majestic and he was just amazing.... He tore up my fresh home made food


A passers is a very hardy angel but they will rule the tank. Like the others said good water chemisty and good diet with sponge and they'll be super happy.

noah's nemo

The more i read up on angels,the more my head hurts.Anyway,from what i read around the web,Korans(getting one tommorow) are one of the more hardy Angels...

crypt keeper

Active Member
Majority of Large Angels are Hardy. They take some time too acclimate. Once established it takes a pretty lazy person to kill them or cause problems


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
angels are peaceful. they hate each other. add a juvi and he will grow with tankmates
I would hardly consider angels "peaceful", large angels can be very bossy, particularly in a system that is too small for them....Still haven't seen if the OP is talking Dwarf or Large. All angels are finicky and need good water conditions, particularly stable ph, they also need a diet with "greens", and large angels need sponge. For the record though, Maculosus, Passer, and the highly expensive Clarion are typically considered the most hardy large angels, but all need large tanks (180 and up long term). For Dwarfs, Lemonpeel, Flame, Coral Beauty, and Ebili are quite hardy....But no angel is bulletproof like I would consider some Triggers (for example) to be.


He said he got a koran, a hardy species but not a good canidate for a 55g.


New Member
Majestic angel is what I will recommend as I had that for almost 4-5 years and I think they are most rough and tough species. Check if you like that.