Most Overcrowded Tank I Have Ever Seen



take a look at his later videos...almost all the fish are gone.


The poor fish were not suited for a 90g set-up
and regardless of his filtration system that bio-load still overwhelmed his system it just couldn't keep up.


small triggers

Active Member
i think people wish they could stuff their SW tanks like people stuff their FW tanks,,,,(i know i wish i could put about 7 more fish in mine but it wont work)


The link was showing a person with a 90g tank with a bunch of large angels, triggers, and I thought I saw two Violitan Lionfish.
Pretty overcrowded
. His other video showed the tank later and most of the fish were dead


A kid went into a LFS and said look mommy Nemo and Dori. Can I get them mommy, and there you have that pic. It does look like a five gallon tank. I hate stuff like that. That tang must really be suffering.


I have found two very bad examples of people rushing into fish tanks and choosing a fish that is 100x harder than they think. First pic is a 90g with a at least one foot leapord shark in it. Second pic is a BLACK TIP REEF SHARK (Gets 5ft+
) in a 90g tank........



Originally Posted by The_Bandit
I have found two very bad examples of people rushing into fish tanks and choosing a fish that is 100x harder than they think. First pic is a 90g with a at least one foot leapord shark in it. Second pic is a BLACK TIP REEF SHARK (Gets 5ft+
) in a 90g tank........
black tip reef sharks are like a 1000 bucks too. Poor guy,


Originally Posted by The_Bandit
I have found two very bad examples of people rushing into fish tanks and choosing a fish that is 100x harder than they think. First pic is a 90g with a at least one foot leopard shark in it. Second pic is a BLACK TIP REEF SHARK (Gets 5ft+
) in a 90g tank........
The first picture is not a leopard shark but that is really bad it will not last long neither will the Black tip, poor sharks.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
than tank is more along the lines of a 150 or 180 which is better but not the way too go.
Where would you even order a black tip? You would think they would check to see what kind of tank they are putting it in before the sell the shark.