move my undulated to get a lion


I have a 150 gal with a snowflake, black edged moray, picasso, bursa, and an undulated. The undulated has been in there for about a year now and he is starting to show signs of aggression . I am going to move him into his own tank but I would like to add a fish to replace him and was thinking about a large volitan kind of as a more showy specimen to liven the tank up a bit. Would that be a safe addition with the other two triggers and eels or would they bother him when he is introduced?

ivans predators

New Member
Those fish know what a lion fish is either by instinct or whatever there aint nothin that is gonna bother that lion not even the triggers


New Member
if your looking for a "show" fish to replace your trigger try a large angel somthing like an emperor,a queen, french, or passes. these angels all have enough attitude to hang with the big boys i've kept large angels with larger triggers for years emps do really well. just make sure that the angel is the biggest fish in the tank


Active Member
A lionfish will be picked on by triggers, especially the more aggressive species. Your tank is already stocked, and after you remove the undulate you will not have room for another fish. Bo