Moved - Everyone survived!



Wow was that a pain! Moved from a downstairs apartment to an upstairs apartment across the complex. Geez! I kept the rock submerged in a large (new) trash can w/wheels. Fish in Coral Life buckets w/ current tank water. Drained water down to just cover the rocks.... dang! Everyone survived! I'm so pleased. One of the darn pepperment shrimp stayed in a rock and the bugger moved with the rock. I was afraid it would get crushed or die from temp change... but it's alive! I'm a lucky gal. Don't wanna move again though!
This time I put all the rock up on frags to keep from having waste/dead spots under the rock (duh). I added a sand sifting star to help with the dirty work! :D


Oh and BTW... the new apartment is great. We were so cramped - now lots of space:
50 gal SW tank
20 gal SW tank
3 Cats
2 Dogs (MinPins)
2 Lovebirds...
A roommate
... no partidge in a pear tree (yet)


Just the sand and enough water to keep it moist. It was only down about 20 minutes. (The sand/water). Entire set up took about two or three hours to restore.


I hope things turn out well for me also. I'm moving at the beginning of may. I have a bit of a problem though. I am going to get my tank drilled when i move and change over to a dsb from cc. So here is my plan:
1. get some play sand and start to establish life in it this week in a plastic tub.
2. transfer 80+% of my water to my empty 55 and move all my fish, inverts and lr to that tank
(expect to keep everything there for about a week)
3. take my tank to get drilled and have the weir put in. It needs 24 hours to dry.
4. move everything back to the old 55.
I just hope everything survives in the temp. home. I will hook up a canister filter the week or so before i move the tank and put it on the other 55 when set up.
I also have to scrub all my lr that is covered in hair algae. the lfs said he would give me a diatom filter to run on the tank for a few days when it is all set up to polish my water.
Wish me luck :)


Wow! Good luck. I've had no experience with that. I'm converting my 20 gal to a QT or a Sump... but I have way too many critters to move them all over for more than a few hours (I think)...
But if you think about it... the fish go from the ocean or tank to a bag into established tanks at a LFS (ideally)... then in a bag to whatever trip home... then aclimated... then put in a new system... then obviously the ones you had survived.. they may be "sensitive" animals, but if we take all the precautions.. I'm thinking success.
Only thing I wonder though is about the whole week thing...then the fish going into basically a new tank (new dsb, scrubbed lr)...
Only thing I can say is I did it with an overcrowded 20 gal... set up the 50 gal with LR, dsb, cycle and lots of small water changes and put 'em all in there. I DON'T recommend it... It was a lot of work, but thanks to this list and hard work EVERYONE survived! I've not lost a fish or invert yet (knock on wood). It has taken forever to finish the cycle though.
Good Luck!